Worldviews have consequences. If you understand the concept of a
"worldview" that is obvious. For those unfamiliar with the term,
here's a definition by "Purpose Driven Life" author Rick Warren who
did a study series on it with the late Chuck Colson called "Wide
Angle - Framing Your Worldview." The concept of worldview is
critical to the point made both in the meme above and repeated in this
article, so if you're not familiar with it, please take a look at the
Two Points in the Meme
Take a look at the meme above, and note
both the meme and particularly the tweet used to send it actually make
two points.
The first point: There is nothing in
the atheist worldview that says that murdering innocent children is
wrong, or evil or should be avoided. In fact according to the atheist
worldview this is no morality, so there is nothing that can be called
"evil." All actions are equally valid or equally moral.
The Second (and perhaps more
importantly) point: Atheists are typically not honest about the fact
that their worldview clearly and unequivocally teaches there is no such
thing as "evil" just as it teaches there is no such thing as God. Of
course that is a repugnant and morally reprehensible position to hold,
so you can understand why they don't want to admit, it. But if that's
what your worldview teaches, to say that it doesn't is to flat out lie
and deceive.
The only question in this mix is, do
atheists understand that their worldview teaches that in a world without
God, there are no morals, and there is no evil? That is the crux of the
matter. That is also at the heart of the moral argument for God. I've
dealt with objections to the Moral argument for God in the article, "The
Moral Argument - Revealer of Hypocrites", so I will not reconsider
the objections here. But I did not consider the question at hand: if
atheists understand that's what their worldview teaches. So we'll
consider that question here. But first let me make clear that atheism in
fact teaches there is no morality, and there is no such thing as "evil".
No Morality in an Atheist (Or
Evolutionist) Worldview
In a book whose very title rejects the
notion of God and Biblical truth ("River Out of Eden") Dawkins in very
clear and concise terms stated what is true about the atheistic
worldview: there are no morals, no right, no wrong, no good, no evil. As
he put it:
"The universe we observe has
precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no
design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless
Dawkins is not alone in spouting this
version of atheist nihilist nonsense. Evolutionary biologist and atheist
Will Provine made the same point - that evil does not exist. You merely
need to understand that by "ethics" - he's referring to everything we
are discussing with regards to morality. Provine states:
"[There are] No Gods, no life after
death, no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning in
life, and no human free will."[2]
If there is "no ultimate foundation for
ethics", neither is there for one for morality, or good or evil, so evil
does not exist.
Further evidence that this is not some
obscure belief I'm bringing to the fore: atheist scientists hold the
same position. They typically don't state it outright as the atheists
cheerleaders do, but it's there in the worldview of their science. You
can see it in the worldviews of scientists like Carl Sagan and Stephen
Hawking. You can derive the "there's no morality, no evil" teaching in
their views once you understand their view of physics and the
universe. But since the point has already been well stated by Dawkins
and Provine I won't take the space here. For those who are interested,
I'll put it in a sidebar below.
An unpopular position: No Such things
as "Evil"
So that is the world of evolutionists
and atheists. A denial of evil. The murder of 19 children is not evil -
in their worldview it cannot be because evil does not exist. Remember in
an atheistic worldview, there is neither good nor evil. Things just are.
So while atheists and evolutionists may
arrive at the "there's no such thing as evil" conclusion by different
means and for different reasons - atheists because they don't want to
acknowledge the God who has created the moral framework they live in;
and evolutionists because they don't want to acknowledge the God who has
purposefully created the universe they live in - both most arrive at the
same conclusion and for essentially the same reason: there can be no
evil, because there is no God who is, and embodies the good against
which the evil is judged.
So let's stop any pretense that the
atheistic and evolutionary worldview acknowledges that humans are moral
agents, and as such, humans can do or be evil (or good). They do not.
Like the God they deny, both the evolutionary and atheistic worldview
emphatically deny there is such a thing as evil. And you cannot do or be
something that does not exist. Thus if there is no evil, you cannot do
evil, nor can you be evil, nor can the murder of 19 innocent children be
Hiding the Repugnant Atheist View
For most people, that is a repulsive
thought. That is why most atheists work diligently to hide the fact that
their worldview states murdering children is no more wrong than taking
an afternoon nap on a sunny day. Don't believe me? Look at the responses
I received to the above meme. Notice there is not a single response that
affirms the atheist denial of evil. In fact, there is not a single
response that even addresses the issue. For those who responded all you
see are either the expected personal attacks (when your opponent sinks
to ad hominem
attacks you know they've lost the argument and cannot refute your
argument, so they attack you instead) and the requisite attacks on God,
but not a single response addresses either point made. Consider the
first - an expected ad
hominem attack:

The next is a bit more sophisticated.
He challenges the existence of God, but does not refute my points that:
1. Atheists deny evil exists and 2. They try to hide this fact -
typically by refusing to acknowledge it.
Rather he avoids them:
(The bottom tweet was sent first.)

Please note the connection made by the
atheist here: I'm talking about their lack of belief in evil. This
atheist immediately connects it to the existence of God.
Apparently the two are related in his mind.
That point - that in the atheists' mind
the existence of evil is connected to the existence of God is confirmed
in his final tweet. I point out he refused to deal with either point I
made, which confirms the point I was making - that atheists (dishonestly
in my opinion) hide their belief that evil does not exist. At which
point he gets angry, picks up his marbles and goes home.

Interestingly even in his final message
he's still not addressing anything I brought up - he's still talking
about God. So clearly, in his mind, evil is tied to the existence of
God. So with his final tweet he confirms my points. You can view the
whole conversation here (part1
Here's a summary that confirms my points:
RF: Claims atheists believe there
is no such thing as evil
Atheist: Counters there's No God -
It's not about God, it's about shared human traits.
(Aside: Clearly in the atheist's mind, evil is tied to God,
which he denies exists. So if there is no God, there is no evil -
point verified.)
RF: You haven't thought through
your worldview which denies evil exists. Here's help: (Link to "The
Moral Argument - Revealer of Hypocrites"
Atheist: Again counters there's no
God. ("If there is no God". What does that even mean?) and goes on
from there - another clear denial of God.
RF: Points out his refusals to
address the questions which I find dishonest, but proves the point.
Atheist: Leaves in a huff, denying
God as he goes.
So clearly, at least in this atheist's
mind, evil is concept tied to God. If there is no God, as he claims,
then logically, there can be no evil. What can we learn from this
Two things are clear:
1.The Atheist has confirmed the
scripture that all people know God exists:
19 since what may be known about
God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
(Rom 1.19)
This is clear since every time I talk
about evil, the atheist talks about God. Clearly he recognizes that evil
cannot be defined or identified unless there is a morally pure God who
embodies and demonstrates what is good, and declares what is evil.
Atheists must deny that fact, or their entire worldview collapses. In
denying God exists, he also denies evil exists.
2. Atheists regularly Steal from God
Though I've not yet read Frank Turek's Stealing From God, (great
title) I assume he makes many of the same points that Francis Schaeffer
made: that atheists cannot live consistently within their worldview.
(The reactions to the above meme prove that.) So they steal from God to
gain the meaning and purpose ("humanity" as the above atheist put it)
that they need as creatures created in the image of God. Craig
summarizes it well. I quote him verbatim. (Just substitute "atheists"
every time he uses "modern man" - both groups have the same beliefs.)
"Francis Schaeffer has explained
this point well. Modern man [the atheist] says Schaeffer, resides in
a two-story universe. In the lower story is the finite world without
God; here life is absurd, as we have seen. In the upper story are
meaning, value, and purpose. Now modern man [the atheist] lives in
the lower story because he believes there is no God. But he cannot
live happily in such an absurd world, therefore, he continually
makes leaps of faith into the upper story to affirm meaning, value,
and purpose, even though he has no right to, since he does not
believe in God. Modern man [the atheist] is totally inconsistent
when he makes this leap, because these values cannot exist without
God, and man in this lower story does not have God."[3]
The Verdict
It's clear atheists deny evil exists.
It's also clear they steal from God to live a life that's not so
repulsive and repugnant - so they can affirm that the murder of 19
children is evil even though their worldview says it isn't. The only
question that remains is are the atheists aware that they're stealing
from God?
I suspect the atheists are like the
Pharisees of Jesus day who would swear by the gold of the temple, not by
the temple itself thus making the gold more important than the God who
dwells in the temple. (Matt 23.16-22) In like manner, atheists affirm
things like the murder of children are evil, while denying the God who
created the children in his own image, and declares anyone destroying
that image placed on humans by God is worthy of death. (Gen 9.6) Such a
harsh punishment is indicative of the fact that murder is evil. Jesus
appears to indicate the Pharisees aren't ignorant - they know what
they're doing is wrong, but they've intentionally blinded themselves to
the fact that they're denying God. So Jesus has a few of choice
words for them.
I suspect the atheists are like the
Pharisees - they likewise know what they believe is wrong, and they've
intentionally blinded themselves to the fact that their world view says
nothing is evil. So while they may be blind to the consequence of their
own worldview - it's an intentional blindness. But like Pharisees, since
they claim they can see, and they believe themselves to be oh so
rational and correct, their guilt remains. (John 9.41) So to the
atheists, I give the words of Jesus to the Pharisees:
Woe to you!
Blind Fools!
Blind Men!
(Matt 23:16,
17, 19)
"There's no such thing as evil" can be derived from the
worldviews of atheist scientists such as Carl Sagan and Stephen
Carl Sagan famously
"The Cosmos is all that is,
or ever was, or ever will be."[4]
By which he was of course
saying it's not God that always has been and will be, it's the
cosmos. In a place where the cosmos is everything, God cannot
exist. And since God cannot exist in such a cosmos the things
associated with God - like morality, notions of good and evil,
etc. also cannot exist.
You can also derive it from
Stephen Hawking's view on scientific determinism. Regarding
the big questions of life, "Why is there something rather than
nothing? Why do we exist? Why this particular set of laws and
not another?" Hawking answers:
"We claim however, that it
is possible to answer these questions purely within the
realm of science, and without invoking any divine beings."
"It is a deterministic
universe: Once you setup a starting configuration, or
initial condition, the laws determine what happens in the
And with his plainly stated
rejection of God firmly planted, and a firm grip on a
deterministic universe such that the laws of physics determines
everything that happens, out goes free will, and with it any
concept of good and evil or morality. For if everything is
1) Things just happen, there can be no judgment on right or
wrong, good and bad - they just are; and
2) There can be no moral agents to make moral decisions, nor can
there be (and this is their pay off) morally
responsibility for the bad things people do.
To draw an analogy from the
realm of computers, The universe is like a circuit board with
many paths and integrated circuit processors the electrons can
travel. Is any one path good or evil? No. Circuit boards are
neither good nor bad. They just are. All the paths through them
are neither good nor evil, they just are.
The electrons flowing through
the paths on a circuit board would be analogous to people
flowing through the paths of life. The electrons flow through
various paths on the circuit board, and reach various
destinations. But can they reach a "wrong" or "bad"
destination? Did they have a choice of where they arrived? The
answer to both are no. As stated above, destinations on the
circuit board are neither good nor bad. They just are. And
destinations are predetermined based on the laws of physics and
the predetermined paths on the circuit board.
Therefore the circumstances
that caused the electron to follow that path to the destination
is neither good or bad - merely the application of the laws of
physics applied to electrons to usher them to their destination.
No moral judgments allowed here. The same goes for people as
they follow the paths of life. They're just chemical-electrical
signals acting according to the laws of physics. Any thought of
free will is an illusion.
So the destinations people
arrive at are neither good nor evil. They just are. Thus in this
worldview a shooter murdering children can be neither good nor
evil. It's just the result of the human body following the laws
of physics. It cannot be called evil, because evil does not
exist in a universe ruled by scientific determinism.
Duane Caldwell | May 29, 2022
Richard Dawkings from River
Out of Eden (1995)
ref from: Wikiquote, accessed 3/30/2017
William Provine, ref from, Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed,
Documentary by Ben Stein, 2008
William Lane Craig, Apologetics - An Introduction, Chicago: Moody
Press, 1984, p. 46
4. Carl Sagan,
Cosmos, New York: Random House, 1980, p. 4
5. Stephen Hawking and
Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design, New York: Bantam Books, 2010,
p. 172
Meme - Don't get your Morality (or
theology) from an Atheist - by Duane Caldwell