There are a lot of falsehoods,
misinformation and outright lies on the internet. But there is also
truth on the internet so you must be careful to discern the truth from
the falsehoods, the fact from the fiction. In this post I want to
highlight a good rule of thumb to consider when people start discussing
theology or Christianity or religion with you: Here's the good advice:
Don't get your theology from an atheist.
This should be obvious, but to clarify, there's a saying that has been
going around online - at least on Twitter - that imparts a valuable
piece of wisdom: "Only a fool would allow his enemies to educate his

The wisdom there is obvious. Clearly
you don't want someone opposed to your belief system to instruct your
kids on what is true and what is false. What Christian church would
allow an avowed Satanist to teach Sunday school? We will use that same
wisdom, that same insight to debunk the following objections to
Christianity found also online:

So this apparent atheist Ben Watkins
(atheist - based on his clearly atheistic positions and the fact that he
hosts "@RealAtheology) questions these three fundamental truths
about Christianity:
The Trinity
The Incarnation
The Atonement
And he is affirmed by another atheist
going by the name of @InternetAtheists. I will not do an in depth
exposition of these doctrines here on why the atheists are wrong because
I've already done that in my five part series on "Knowledge of the Holy
One" (The title references Prov 9.10; 30.3), which starts with part 1 "Jesus
the Holy One Revealed", and covers all these topics. Here I will
merely give a brief response using logic - which atheists are supposed
to be good at - before moving on:
Re: The Trinity:
Atheists believe they can treat an infinite, unbounded God in the same
manner they treat a finite, bounded person. They believe they can treat
a spiritual being (whom they deny exists) the same as they treat a
physical person. The former is a
category error, the latter an
appeal to
Re: The Incarnation
There is nothing logically inconsistent with an eternal God entering his
own temporal creation. There is also nothing inconsistent with the human
messiah dying (both physically - his body died, and spiritually - he was
separated from God while he hung on the Cross ("My God, my God, why
have you forsaken me?" - Matt 27.46) These are likely concepts
an atheist is not familiar with. If atheists claim to know the
incarnation is not possible, they are simply making another
appeal to
ignorance. How can they know what's possible or impossible for an
omnipotent God whom they deny exists? So again, you don't want to get
your theology from an atheist.
Re: The Atonement
His statement "no one can die for another's sin" is both a fallacious
appeal to
consequence (he clearly doesn't like that someone can). It's also a
appeal to authority. Has he made the laws - moral and otherwise -
that govern the universe? Does he appeal to the person who claims he has
(that would be God). Both answers are no - and thus he has no qualified
authority to backup his claim. So here the atheist is like Satan,
wanting to play God (Is 14:12-14) and appeal to his own authority to
determine what is and is not allowable; he wants to determine what is
justice and what is not. But he has no logical basis for doing so. (Or
any other basis for that matter.)
Satan was cast out of heaven for his
blasphemous arrogance and pride in wanting to "...ascend above the tops
of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Is 14.14) Since
the atheist is likewise not God, he has no authority to say if an
atonement is possible or not, and what will or will not suffice for an
atonement if it is possible. If he wants to appeal to some concept of
"justice" the question is then, what "justice?" Atheist high priest
Richard Dawkins says "The universe we observe has precisely the
properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no
purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference." If
there is no good or evil and only indifference, then clearly there can
be no "justice."
If any atheist continues with such
pretensions and arrogance of knowing better than God, and denying those
fundamental tenets of the the faith, they too will be cast into outer
darkness and spend an eternity with Satan and the angels who followed
him. (Matt 25.41)
But again, the point I want focus on is
not the theology, but the foolishness of getting your theology from an
atheist or anyone other than a mature, grounded-in-the-faith Christian.
God is not Bound by Theological Misunderstandings
Following are false concepts that have
been held to be true by those who don't know either God or the
scriptures, or they wouldn't be so foolish as to believe such falsehoods. I point them out as illustrations that you should not get your
theology from atheists and others who don't know God or the scriptures -
or who deny them.
The Ark of the Covenant
After the Babylonians captured the southern kingdom of Judah where the
temple of God was located (with the ark of the covenant located in the
temple) around 587
BC, the ark disappeared. While there are a number of places that are suspected to be
where the ark is currently located[1], no one is sure. Many have sought
the ark, thinking they can gain mystical, magical powers from it. As one
documentary put it:
"The ark of the covenant is is a
golden chest described in the book of Exodus as containing the
tablets of stone on which the ten commandments were written. As well
as Aaron's rod, a jar of manna, and the first torah scroll. It's
said to possess enormous power. Enough to destroy the walls of
Jericho and to kill anyone who touches it."[2]
Why do they believe they can gain magical powers from the ark? Because
they misunderstand the accounts of the walls of Jericho falling (Josh
6.1-5) and the account Uzzah, who reached out to steady the ark and was
struck down.( 2 Sam 6.6-7) Since they either don't know the word of God
or don't believe it, they don't understand that the walls of Jericho
fell because God had announced he would give Jericho into the hands of
the Israelites, and Uzzah was struck down because sinful man cannot
enter the presence of the holy God without the covering of an atonement.
Since they don't understand these things, like one who doesn't
understand science they think it's magic. But like science, once
understood, it is very straight forward: The power behind the ark of the covenant
is not magic, it is the power of God directed by the will of God. Apart from
those things, the
ark of the covenant
is just another ornate box. Don't get your theology or your understanding of the ark from those who deny God
and believe in magic - like atheists. That is an obvious and grave
The Spear of Destiny
But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead,
they did not break his legs.
Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear,
bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
John 19.33-34
The spear thrust into the side of Jesus to prove he was dead is known
as "The Spear of Destiny." Like the ark, it is supposed to contain
enormous power:
"The spear of destiny is said to be none other than the spear which
had pierced the side of Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross. Myth says
it was wielded by a Roman centurion named Longinus."[3]
Legend also says the blood from Christ dripping down the spear fell on
Longinus eye - which had a cataract - and was instantly cured.
The spear later comes to the emperor Charlemagne -
"Charlemagne carries it into battle. He's invincible as long as it's in
his hands."[4] Sidney D. Kirkpatric
"It becomes a talisman for conquerors for military force. It is a
military image that it has of vanquishing foes."[5] Robert Feather
Thus the legend is born which Hitler foolishly believed and connived
and stole his way into gaining the spear. Obviously it didn't help
Hitler - the allies won in spite of Hitler possessing the spear.
Once again, God is not bound by false
understanding of either theology or magic. So once again, don't get your
theology from those who believe in the power of magic and thus believe
in the alleged magic of the spear - and consequently
disbelieve in the power of God - like atheists.
Theology is not Fiat Magic
Thor's Hammer
Any Marvel fans out there? Remember the
scene from Thor - the first one:
Thor acts foolishly, and his father
Odin - head of the Norse pantheon is disgusted and banishes Thor and
strips him of his powers. Then in his anger, he enchants Thor's hammer
"Whosoever holds this hammer
If he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
Odin casts out Thor and enchants Thor's hammer Mjolnir
Atheists apparently believe in making theological statements the way
Odin enchants Thor's hammer: by fiat. They simply make a statement and
expect it to be true.
But reality is not based on Marvel comics or Norse mythology. And
atheists have no power to make fiat statements like the ones made above
and expect them to be true. Odin's enchantment of Thor's hammer is a
fiat statement based on a merger of comic book drama and Norse
mythology and a belief in magic. But Christian theology is not based on fiat statements from
either comic books or atheists or magic. Christian theology is based on the word
of God.
So, just as you don't want Satanists teaching Sunday school, don't get
your theology from atheists. And particularly atheists who act like they
have the power of the false god Odin to make false fiat
statements about that which they deny. Instead, go to the source: the word of God
as recorded in the Holy Scriptures.
A final thought: scripture warns
against getting advice from mediums and spiritists. The same warning
goes for getting theological advice from atheists:
"When men tell you to consult mediums
and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of
their God?" Isaiah 8.19
Duane Caldwell | May 13, 2022
1. Suspected locations
of the Ark of the Covenant:
a. Rosslyn Chapel,
b. Rennes Le Chateau, France
c. Elephantine Island, Egypt
d. Axum, Ethiopia
e. Jerusalem, Israel (hidden)
Forbidden History - "The Real Ark of the Covenant", documentary, 2015
Solving History With Olly Steeds - "The Ark of the Covenant",
documentary, 2010
2. Forbidden History
- "The
Real Ark Of The Covenant", AHC documentary, 2015
3. (Narrator)
Myth Hunters: "Hitler and the Spear of Destiny", Documentary, 2012
4. Sidney D. Kirkpatric,
Author, Hitler's Holy Relics, Ref from:
Myth Hunters: "Hitler and the Spear of Destiny", Documentary, 2012
5. Robert Feather, Author, A Clash of
Steal, Ref from:
Myth Hunters: "Hitler and the Spear of Destiny", Documentary, 2012
The Serpent in the Garden - from The
Creation Museum, KY - Picture
© Duane Caldwell