Rational Faith |
An agnostic sent a question about the word of God to Creation Ministries International. CMI retweeted it here, the full question is here and is answered by CMI rep Jonathan Sarfati. Sarfati approaches it on the basis of valid, internally consistent philosophical systems. But I want to take it in a different direction and answer it evidentially. That is, is there evidence that the Bible is the word of God? So in this article we'll to take a look at the heart of the question and address the key issue which, as the agnostic puts it, is this:
The first obvious question that comes to mind is: why does the agnostic think the Bible is an excellent book if he questions it is the word of God? Sarfati addresses it via CS Lewis' famous trilemma argument: Jesus - lunatic, liar or Lord? (If you claim to be God, either the claim is true and you are God, or the claim is false and you are either a liar or a lunatic. One must decide which it is but you cannot consider Jesus a "good" teacher, person, prophet, etc. if he is not who he claims to be.) I'll address it by Jesus' answer to the man who asked:
Jesus is making a similar point (ahead of CS Lewis). Why do you consider Jesus to be good? Jesus says that man is sinful and thus evil (Matt 7.11) and so none are good but God alone. The implied question is: are you then considering Jesus to be God if he's good? The young man does not answer this question. So the question to the agnostic is this: why do you consider the Bible to be an "excellent book" if it falsely claims to be the word of God? A book that falsely claims to be the word of God is not excellent or good - it's evil. And make no mistakes, the Bible does clearly claim to be the word of God. But we'll get to that. Firstly, let's outline an approach to looking at the evidence that the Bible is in fact the word of God. The Framework: What kinds of Evidence to look forThere are three lines of inquiry that we'll look at to evaluate the evidence that the Bible is in fact the word of God:
Red Herrings and False AnalogiesBefore we get started, let's eliminate the red herring he throws out to poison the well. Consider his statement that the Bible's claim to be the word of God is as ridiculous as if he claimed "my face was made of cucumber" and the thing that made the statement true is simply because he said so. That is both a red herring and a false analogy. It is true that the Bible is the word of God. But claiming that it is true because "the Bible says so" is the red herring. Suppose I state, "look in my garage, behold the car!" Notice my claim: an object in my garage is a what I'm claiming is a car. Here's the key point: if I truly have a car in my garage, my statement that it's a car does not make it a car - it's already a car. The statement simply reveals what it is to you. Likewise, the word of God is just that: words that originated from God. They do not become the word of God because someone says so. They already are, by their nature, the word God. Statements that they are the word of God is to reveal that fact to those who hear them, not to make false claims about statements and words not spoken by God. Do you see the reversal of the logical flow? It is true that the Bible is the word of God, consequently statements made in the Bible confirm that fact for the reader. It is a fundamental misunderstanding to believe that recorded words become the word of God simply because of a claim made by someone. Thus his suggestion that revealed truth is really nothing more than a bait and switch tactic is a red herring. The real question is this: is it possible to determine that what has been claimed as revealed truth is in fact revealed truth? Thus our examination of the evidence. Also, his outlandish comparison involving his face is a false analogy. The inconsequential, easily disproved proposition about his face and cucumbers in no way compares to the many, substantial, historically verifiable truths conveyed by the Bible. So the real question is: can the revealed truth of the Bible be demonstrated to be the revealed truth of a supernatural God? Using the above framework it can, so let's get to it. The Evidence: The Bible Is the Word of God1. The Bible's claims about itself The Bible claims to be the word of God more than 1,400 times. These claims are made in statements such as "This is what the LORD says" where "LORD", when written with small capitals is the covenant name of God, usually written as the tetragrammaton: יהוה (YHWH). That appears at least 547 times. Also there's "God said" 587 times and "The word of the Lord (יהוה) to..." 312 times. With just those three phrases there are 1446 attributions to God (an interesting number because 1446 BC is the year of the Exodus). There are variations I haven't included and I haven't included all the statement of Jesus (who is God, but that needs to be proved to some people). So, conservatively speaking, there are over 1,400 claims in the Bible that what's presented in the Bible is the word of God. Here is where the point on being a "good" or "excellent" book is critical. If the Bible is not the word of God, then it's a deceptive forgery and cannot be considered "good" or "excellent." But, aside from the attestations to being the word of God, we have the following evidences. 2. Does the Bible appear to have supernatural origins? Is it a book that only God could produce? Let's look at evidence that there is a supernatural author behind the Bible A. The unified, detailed and foretold story of redemption Consider these facts about the Bible:
As Mears points
out, though the Bible uses 40 different authors and spans a period of
1,600 years, it tells one consistent story: The revelation of God's
creation of man and God's salvation of man despite man's rebellion
against Him. And despite the fact that the Bible spans 1600 years, it
still tells a single consistent story. I submit such a grand story could
not have been conceived of, much less carried out as predicted to
completion by man, particularly in the exquisite details as evidenced by
the Bible and the many prophecies it made - many of which have been
already fulfilled. It takes an omnipotent God, beyond space and time,
working behind the scenes of His creation to bring about His will to
redeem fallen man in the exact method he foretold it would happen.
Prophecies, particularly of the messiah, are a key part of confirming
the unity and supernatural aspect so we will take a closer look at that
aspect below. B. Knowledge
Revealed that was unknown to the people of the time Ocean currents: Matthew Fontaine Maury, oceanographer, nicknamed "the pathfinder of the seas", was the first to describe the Gulf Stream and mark sea routes across the Atlantic. What was his inspiration? It was Psalm 8 which talks about fish that swim in "the paths of the seas" (Ps 8.8) which inspired him to go look for the undersea paths. Immune resistance: Israelites were instructed to circumcise males on the eighth day (Gen 17.12). Why the eighth day? Modern medicine reveals what the Israelites would not have known:
The Water Cycle:
Described in the Bible C. Prophetic
Confirmation The Rise and Fall of Kingdoms Skeptics claim that the Bible is not the word of God, it's just a collection of stories and myths written by ancient and superstitious people. How then can the Bible accurately predict the rise and fall of Kingdoms - a number of which don't exist at the time of the prophecy? In Daniel chapter 2, via the image of the great statue, the Bible predicts the fall of the then existing Babylonian empire followed by the rise and fall of the Medo-Persian empire, the rise of Greek empire (led by Alexander the Great) and its fall, followed by the rise and fall of the Holy Roman Empire, then the kingdom of the last days - that of the of the Beast (Rev 13), which appear to be forming now. And finally the last kingdom - the Kingdom of God. In this prophecy though its history has proved it true, since names are not given, it is easy for unbelievers to doubt the Bible was speaking of those specific kingdoms. So let let me provide examples where the fall of kingdoms are named by name. The Fall of
Assyria and Babylon The Fall of
Sennacherib was one of the more famous rulers of the Assyrian empire since he's mentioned in the Bible. Perhaps his most memorable event is his attempt to take Jerusalem. With his power and might he thought it would be easy to take the little kingdom of Judah, but he was repelled by God himself, who killed 185,000 of his soldiers, forcing Sennacherib to withdraw. That was such a spectacular miracle it is repeated three times in the bible - in Kings, Chronicles and Isaiah. (2 Ki 19.9-36; 2 Chr 32.10- 22; Isaiah 37:9-37). I mention it because in the video below, you can see what's left of part of his kingdom - one of the capital cities of the ancestors of Sennacherib - the city of Nimrud, under the dirt of Iraq that now covers it. In the video you can see it was once a great city, but has been destroyed - just as the Bible predicted. ![]() Anthropologist Jason Ur describes the ruins of Nimrud, a former Assyrian capital City [4]
The Fall of Babylon
and the destruction of its Mighty walls The Fall of the Second Temple in Jerusalem The first temple,
the one built by King Solomon was destroyed by the Babylonian king
Nebuchadnezzar. (2 Chr 36.17-19) The Second Temple, initially very
humble even after the ministry of Haggai to build it up and restore it
(Haggai 1.1ff), was small compared to the magnificent temple build by
King Solomon. Later, Herod the Great, master builder and King of Judea
under the authority of Rome, greatly extended and enhanced the temple
during his reign to such an extent that people marveled at its beauty
(Luke 21.5). It too was magnificent but to the astonishment of his
disciples, Jesus prophesied that the temple would be destroyed (Luke
21.6). This prophecy was fulfilled when the soon-to-be emperor Titus and
his army besieged Jerusalem (in fulfillment of prophecy of Luke
19.43-44) and killed many Jews and destroyed the temple. He was later
crowned emperor of Rome. These events were witnessed and recorded by the
Jewish historian Josephus in his history "The War of the Jews." Below, a
model of the temple mount as it was in Jesus' day, and below that, as it
is today, with the temple gone and the Islamic dome of the rock build
where the temple should be. Why did God allow that? "...because you did
not recognize the time of God's coming to you" Jesus said. (Luke
19.41-44) ![]() A model of the temple complex as it was in Jesus' day (model from the Milwaukee Public Museum) ![]() Temple mount today with the prominent Islamic Dome of the Rock behind the Al-Aqsa Mosque Prophecies of the coming of the messiah There are many,
many prophecies of the coming of the Messiah so I will list only a few
of them here. It's not uncommon for sources referring to the prophecies
of the Messiah to suggest you look them up yourself. I'll take it a
small step further and give you a few resources that list prophecies of
the messiah in the footnote. [5] For those
interested, they present a good view of the many prophecies of the
Messiah. But, for starters, following are just a few of the many
prophecies made concerning the Messiah and the fulfillment by Jesus of
Nazareth. Messiah:
Heir to the throne of David: Messiah:
Born of a virgin Messiah:
Born in Bethlehem Messiah:
Pierced as in a crucifixion... ... But not
a bone broken Messiah: To
die and rise again 3. Recognition as the Word of God Perhaps the best testimony about the authenticity of the Bible after prophecy is the fact that it is both the best selling book of all time and the most translated book of all time. This is clearly a recognition that there is something special about this book. But how can a book, that was completed about 2,000 years ago and written by a collection of ancient people whose occupations ranged from shepherd to king to physician, become so popular and long lasting? How could they have weaved together a single story over 1600 years? How could they have so accurately made predictions that they themselves or others saw fulfilled? How could they have knowledge of science unknown at the time? The most reasonable explanation is that the Bible is indeed the word of God. Conclusion Again it is clear that, once the facts are revealed, statements like, "the Bible is the word of God merely because it or some person says so" are born of ignorance, or a desire to deny the authority of the Bible over every person - or both. Just as there is ample evidence of the existence of God for those who care to look (Ps 19.1), there is ample evidence that the Bible is the word of God, for those who care to look.
Duane Caldwell |
January 28, 2023 Notes 1.
Henrietta C. Mears, What the Bible is All About, Ventura, Ca:
Regal Books, 1983, p.13 3.
"Scientific Evidence For Circumcision On The Eighth Day" Evidence for
the Bible, accessed 1/16/23 4. Jason Ur - ref from Secrets Of The Dead Ep. "The Lost Gardens Of Babylon" PBS documentary, 2014 5. A
few books to view some of the many prophecies of the Messiah:
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