Rational Faith |
Pulling Back the Veil - What Cosmologists are Hiding |
(Or: Big Bang Magic Part 3:
Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, cosmology these days is not an objective science, devoted strictly to the scientific explanation of the origin of the universe. There is an agenda that rules cosmology. An agenda that has nothing to do with science as confessed by Richard Lewontin:
Lewontin speaks as an evolutionary biologist, but his emphasis on an "a priori adherence to material causes" holds for cosmology just as strongly as it does for evolution. So knowing the modern scientific commitment to materialistic explanations - regardless of whether they make sense or not - I read with interest an article on nbcnews.com titled The 5 Biggest Questions About the Universe (and How We're Trying To Answer Them) . I suspected the questions would not be searches for deeper scientific truth, but rather veils; attempts to cover that which is inexplicable by secular science. And why the necessity for veils? Secular materialists hate pointing out the flaws in their secular worldview, especially when the biblical worldview handles the issue without problems. Like magicians protecting trade secrets, materialists don't want to reveal the flaws in their science. That would ruin the illusion that they are master of the material realm (which of course they aren't). Therefore the cosmology magicians prefer not to reveal to the "uninitiated" masses the underlying problems they are really struggling with, preferring instead to engage in these tricks of misdirection to maintain the illusion we live in a strictly material world. This article will pull back the veil on some of the scientific sleight of hand, so you can see the real problems scientists are dealing with that they prefer you not know about - because the deeper problems often point to a truth they refuse to acknowledge: this universe was created by God, who exists outside of time and space, and who "formed it to be inhabited" (Is 45.18) for our benefit. So as we look at the "5 Biggest questions about the universe" I will illuminate some of the questions and issues that are hiding behind the veil, to give you a better picture of the real problems in secular cosmology. # 1 What is Dark Matter? The article explains:
What they're not telling you: Behind the veil:
The Big Bang thus stands or falls on the discovery of dark matter. Or put another way, without dark matter - the Big Bang theory cannot be true. That is why dark matter is now the Big Bang's "Missing Link." It's also why they talk about "missing mass" instead of the real problems of 1. Objects orbiting too fast, and 2. The major problem of the Big Bang being unable to explain star formation - without this hypothetical, unobserved entity called "dark matter." #2 What is Dark Energy?
What they're not telling you: Ever since Edwin Hubble shocked the world by his conclusion that all stars are moving away from us, scientists have since further concluded the universe is not only expanding - but accelerating in the expansion. The Big Bang theory comes as a logical conclusion of the expansion of the universe. If the expansion were recorded in a movie, and you watched the movie in reverse - the reasoning goes - what you wind up with is a universe that contracts down to a point infinitely small. "Infinitely small," the physicists will tell you, is synonymous with nothing. Running the movie forward, you have the Big Bang, popping into existence out of nothing - and from a time when there was no time (since time was created at the bit bang). Thus the entire story of the Big Bang hangs on the theory that the universe is expanding - and ever more quickly - as scientists now say. Upon further examination of the
concepts of "dark matter" and "dark energy," if you believe prevailing
wisdom, you're required to accept that the universe is composed of:
Furthermore, since the Big Bang Theory is only true if the cosmological principal is true, (the cosmological principle states “viewed on a sufficiently large scale, the properties of the universe are the same for all observers.”[7]) you're also forced to conclude:
Behind the Veil: This story of "dark energy" is needed to maintain the illusion that:
And it all hangs on Hubble's Law and his interpretation of red-shift. If, as Halton Arp argues, Hubble is wrong, and red-shift does not always equate to speed and distance, then the Big Bang will collapse into a heap of discarded red-shift / distance calculations. And the cosmologists are back at square one: wondering why is there something rather than nothing? (Since they are unwilling to acknowledge that "in the beginning, God created...") #3 What Came
Before the Big Bang?
What they're not telling you:
If space and time begin with the big bang, then space and time don't exist before the big bang. So technically, their answer is correct - asking what happened before is meaningless. What is also correct however, is since there is no space and time before the big bang, (and no laws of physics either for that matter[13]) it is impossible for the big bang to happen at all. Consider this task: you have to drive a semi tractor-trailer from New York to Los Angeles in 1 second and park it in a sardine can. Can you do it? Of course not. You have neither the time for the journey, nor the space to park it in. It is simply impossible. The Big Bang has the same impossible problems. There is no space for the big bang to occur - because space does not exist before the big bang. Nor is there time for it to occur - because there is no time before the big bang. Behind the Veil Thus the beginning of the universe inexorably points to an entity that exists:
That sounds like the God of the Bible. Which is why cosmologists don't like the question. The logical answer points to what theologians call creation ex nihilo - creation from nothing as described in the the first verse in the Bible: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Gen 1.1) Thus behind the veil, the answer cosmologists don't want you to know is: there was never a big bang, but if there were, before it, there was God. 4. What's Inside a Black Hole?
But that's not really what they're after. As the article explains:
So what they're really after are the dynamics inside a black hole particularly since the two theories involved are incompatible as the article notes:
Actually that's putting it mildly. When physicists try to combine the science of the large (general relativity) and the science of the small (quantum mechanics) according to Kaku, they get:
What they're not telling you
Current physics breaks down when it comes to the singularity, and since there is a singularity in every black hole, black holes represent everything physicists don't know about the beginning of the universe. Professor Andrew Strominger of Harvard university put it well:
The origin of the universe - represented by the singularity at the heart of black holes - will continue to be a mystery as long as cosmologists continue to make science a search for materialistic causes, instead of a search for the truth - even if that truth leads to God. Behind the Veil What's the one thing that secular cosmologists don't want you to conclude? That would be that God had anything to do with the creation of the universe. Thus behind the distracting veil of secular singularities, is what really happened at the beginning of the universe - and how scientists who believe the word of God are working out cosmologies and scientific theories that are consistent with both science and the word of God. Scientists like Russell Humphries, John Hartnett and Jason Lisle among others. Each has contributed to a biblical understanding of cosmology. But you'll likely not hear their theories discussed by secular cosmologists, or reported on by main stream media who report on cosmology like this nbcnews.com article does. No, secular reporters of cosmology news don't want a "divine foot in the door" either, so you will not see theories or breakthroughs made by Christians or bible believing scientists and cosmologists. So lurking in the darkness behind the veil is a truth I've stated before and I'll say it again: big bang cosmologists are not after the truth, they are after theories that will support their materialist philosophy which is anchored by the big bang theory. And they don't care how "patently absurd" their theories become as long as they keep God out of the picture. #5. Are We Alone? The article explains:
What they're not telling you Evolution believing scientists are afflicted with what I call the Waning, Great Scientific hope. That's the undying but impossible hope that they will one day find life on other earth-like planets. It's impossible because regardless of all their evolutionary theories, life does not arise spontaneously from lifeless objects. Molecules to man evolution, simply put, is impossible. If you doubt that, consider the following:
The same is true of the myriad of systems required for life. Let the dice represent amino acids - the building blocks of proteins. They must be precisely arranged to create a working protein - the workhorse of the cell. A protein of just 150 amino acids is considered to be short. Consider each die, each amino acid, a character. If it is impossible to arrange 12, six sided (or six character) dice by random chance into a desired sequence like the above, how much more impossible is it to randomly arrange the twenty different amino acid characters into a specific 150 character long sequence? (Having twenty amino acids is like using a 20 sided die instead of a six sided one.) To make matters worse, even if somehow you get that first protein, you wind up with one short protein. It is estimated the human body has 100,000 proteins of varying lengths - many longer than the short 150 character protein considered above. And you're still a long way from life. Because you still don't have a living creature. Yet evolutionists want you to believe that the complex structures needed to create life[22] started by random chance, which was later aided by natural selection. The problem is, like the stacked dice above: regardless of how long evolutionary processes have, they will never come up with anything remotely close to the structures necessary to support life. Compounding that problem is evolution has no way of granting life. Scientists like to believe that if they could just produce the complex structures, they would likewise be able to create life. That's another fallacy. Behind the Veil Scientists want you to think that evolution is possible, and thus life on other planets is possible. But molecules to man evolution is impossible, and thus life on other planets via evolution is impossible. There is, however, truth outside of the bounds of science for you to consider, which scientists are trying to keep hidden behind a veil. That truth is that there is a source of not only life, but eternal life. The source of both is Jesus:
God leaves the choice of what to believe to you:
The choice is yours.
Duane Caldwell | posted 11 January 2017 Previous Big Bang Magic Articles: |
1. Richard Lewontin, professor of biology,
Harvard University, "Billions and billions of demons", The New
York Review of Books, 44(1):31, 9 January 1997; 2. Dan Falk "The
5 Biggest Questions About the Universe (and How We're Trying To Answer
Them)", nbcnew.com, Jan 2, 2017,
http://www.nbcnews.com/mach/space/5-biggest-questions-about-universe-how-we-re-trying-answer-n702051 3.The Universe
episode "Dark Matter / Dark Energy" History channel documentary, 2009 4. Narrator,
The Universe episode "Dark Matter / Dark Energy" History channel
documentary, 2009 6. Cosmologist John
Hartnett, Evolution's Achilles' Heel, CMI Ministries,
documentary, 2014 7.
William Keel, astronomer referenced from Cosmological Principle,
Wikipedia, accessed 5/26/2016,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmological_principle 8. Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku ref from
The Universe episode "Dark Matter / Dark Energy" 9. Cosmologist Sean Carroll ref from
The Universe episode "Dark Matter / Dark Energy" 10. All three
statements - Michio Kaku ref from The Universe episode "Dark
Matter / Dark Energy" 11. Falk "The 5
Biggest Questions" 12. Michio Kaku,
theoretical physicist, City College of New York, How The Universe
Works episode "Big Bang" Discovery channel documentary, 2010
13. Kaku also affirms that the laws of physics also
originate with the Big Bang -
The Universe Works episode "Big Bang", Discovery channel documentary,
14. Narrator, Seeing Black Holes, BBC/Science
Channel Documentary, 2010
15. Douglas
Leonard, Black hole investigator, San Diego State University, ref from
Seeing Black
16. Falk "The
5 Biggest Questions"
17. Falk "The
5 Biggest Questions"
18. Michio Kaku, ref from Seeing Black Holes,
BBC/Science Channel Documentary, 2010
19. Narrator, Seeing Black Holes
20. Andrew Strominger,
Theoretical physicist, Harvard University, Seeing Black Holes 21.Falk
"The 5 Biggest Questions" 22.
For a sample of the difficulties, see