Duane Caldwell  |  June 25, 2024 

1. A little background on the Kalam Cosmological Argument from Craig's On Guard:

"The kalam cosmological argument originated in the efforts of ancient Christian philosophers like John Philoponus of Alexandria to refute Aristotle's doctrine of the eternity of the universe. When Islam swept over Egypt, it absorbed this tradition and developed sophisticated versions of the argument. Jews lived alongside Muslims in medieval Spain and eventually mediated this tradition back to the Christian West, where it was championed by St. Bonaventura. Since Christians, Jews, and Muslims share a common belief in creation, the kalam cosmological argument has enjoyed great intersectarian appeal and helps to build bridges for sharing one's faith with Jews and especially Muslims."

William Lane Craig,
On Guard:
Defending your faith with reason and precision, Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2010, Kindle version loc 1170


2. On Guard, Loc 1210



composite Image of Nasa photo:
NASA's Hubble shows Milky Way is Destined for Head-on Collision