Q2 Why are Christians opposed to equality in marriage? |
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On Equality Restrictions On Anyone Considering Marriage:Age: Of the Opposite Sex: After creating the first man Adam, God give Adam the task of naming all the animals. Adam was clearly very intelligent to be able to complete such a task - creating suitable names. And no doubt in the process he saw male and female pairs - like a male lion and a lioness. Yet the text tells us "But for Adam no suitable helper was found." (Gen 2.20). God saw that it was "not good" for the man to be alone (Gen 2.18), therefore God rectifies the situation:
Who did God make for Adam? verse 22 - a woman, and brought her to the man. This is why during a wedding the father walks the bride down the aisle and gives the bride away to the man - they are re-enacting the first wedding. Note the general rule given in verse 24: "For this reason..." Wait. What reason? In context it would be that the woman who was prepared and made from man, but created "delicate" or "tender"[1] specifically for man, (which is no doubt an asset to her being a "suitable helper" (verse 18)) was created with marriage to man in mind. Additionally woman was made specifically for man so the man would not be alone (Gen 2. 18). And so that like the pairs Adam had seen while naming the animals, Adam too could produce offspring - godly offspring (Mal 2.15) to be specific, with the help of his "suitable helper." Notice another male would not be suitable for producing offspring. So for this reason (or reasons) the man (אִיש - "ish") ...will be united to his wife (אִשָּה "ishsah" literally united to "his woman".) Hebrew is the language of the Old Testament, and as in English, the word for woman in Hebrew is derived from the word for man. Just as woman was derived from man when God created her showing she is of the same "stuff" and thus intrinsically equal in value to the man. Yet the man was created first giving him the role of leader. So according to God, a marriage is when a man leaves the parents who raised him, to create a new family unit by uniting with, and binding to, a woman. Upon formal declaration, done usually at a ceremony, the woman then becomes his wife. And the man is her husband. Once bound, they are "one flesh" (Gen 2.240) that God has joined together (Matt 19.6) and should not be separated (Matt 19.6) until death (1 Cor 7.39). Now that we understand what marriage is as designed by its creator, let's return to the question: Why are Christians opposed to equality in marriage? It is clear this question is really asking why are Christians opposed to men marrying men, and women marrying women or any of the various other distortions of marriage. And now you see why. Just as you cannot have a married bachelor - because by definition, bachelors are not married. Likewise you cannot have a "marriage" that does not consist solely of a man and a woman bound to each other in a formally declared act that God can bless - since it is God who joins man and woman into "one flesh" in all weddings. Any other combination of people is not marriage. In addition to precluding all the variations of so called "gay" marriage, it also precludes multiple people in the marriage - three party "throuples" or any other combination of people. They simply do not fit the clear pattern God has given. Further, "gay marriage" cannot produce offspring as God desires. They may use other means - involving a third party of the needed sex, but then they are not producing the offspring from the "one flesh", are they? They've now gone outside the "marriage" and have joined to another - which is also outside the bounds of what God has given. There are other restrictions on marriage such as both parties must be willing, and they must not be close relatives. But since these are periphery issues that I don't think were in mind when the question was posed I won't spend time on them here. So now, let me give the quick answer to the question: Why are Christians opposed to equality in marriage? Answer: Christians are not opposed to equality in marriage: any available man can marry any available woman (i.e. an adult, human, female for those wondering what a woman is) who will have him. And vice versa. There's no inequality in that. Everyone is under the same rules and restrictions. Though there is one further restriction for Christians which I alluded to above. For God's people: the intended spouse must belong to the Lord (1 Cor 7.39) for reasons the apostle Paul explains in 2 Cor 6.14-16. This has been a restriction on God's people going all the back to the giving of the Law (Deut 7.1-4) for essentially the same reason. But that is a restriction specifically for God's people. (Notice the restriction is based on religious faith, not ethnic groups.) The general principle of marriage being one man and one woman applies to all people. Summary
Notes 1.
Rydelnik and Vanlaningham argue that the word in 1 Pet 3.7
describing women typically translated "weaker" is better translated
"delicate" or "tender". Image:
Marriage © Rui
G. Santos | Dreamstime.com
- used by permission |