A Trilobite and Anomalocaris
featured in the Chicago Field Museum's exhibit on the Cambrian
Explosion |
Question Evolution Day 2022
Christians are called to make "the most of
every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ep 5.16) February 12, Darwin's
Birthday, has become a great opportunity to do that. Like Halloween has become
an opportunity to give people gospel tracks when they come to your door asking
you for stuff, the day some are celebrating Darwin and evolution is the perfect
opportunity to offer them the red pill by suggesting they question evolution on
Question Evolution Day. If they've never heard about it, point them to Cowboy
Bob's page
to show them it's a real thing, then go on to present them questions and
evidence that will help them to see just how wrong and meritless Darwin's theory
of evolution is. Here at Rational Faith, we've been doing that for the past few
years since hearing of it.
So for this year's Question Evolution Day
informational give away we'll
take a brief look at one of the problems Darwinian evolution has with what's
known as the Cambrian Explosion. There are a number, but to keep it somewhat brief,
we'll focus on just one of the numerous issues.
The Problem of the Cambrian Explosion
Paleontologist and celebrated
evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould, co-author of the evolutionary
theory of "Punctuated Equilibirum" is quoted as saying:
"Nothing Distressed Darwin more
than the Cambrian Explosion" [1]
Why would that be? To understand, you
must first understand one of the main tenets of Darwinian evolution.
Respected evolutionist Ernst Mayr breaks the tenets down into
five statments. We'll focus our attention on the third
statement. Mayr states it succinctly as:
"3. The gradualness of evolution
(no Saltations, no discontinuities)" [2]
A saltation is a jump, a gap in what is
supposed to be a very smooth series. According to Darwin, evolution
happens by the accumulation of multitudes of very small changes. Since
there are many small changes, you should not see leaps from one type of
thing to a completely different type of thing. That is a jump or
saltation, and is totally outlawed in Darwin's Theory of evolution by
Natural Selection as detailed in his famous 1859 book "Origin of
Species." Even the newer theory of Neo-Darwinism, updated to include
mutations as a mechanism of change, (something Darwin knew nothing about),
still expects the mutations to be small random changes that accumulate,
and thus you should still see no saltations. No jumps in the record. But
that's not what you find when you look at the fossil record, which
believers in Darwinian evolution regard as a reasonably reliable record
of history of life on earth.
The Geologic Column

The Geologic column is a construct
evolutionists use as an organizational tool. They use it to divide up
supposed previous eras in earth's supposed 4.6 billion year history into
periods where various types of creatures existed - often in distinct
time periods. I call it a "construct" because the complete column as
depicted above or in numerous other depictions with well defined layers
and typical "index" fossils, exist only in museums and evolutionary text
books. It does not exist as depicted in reality.
In the geologic column, the layers are used to date the
fossils, and the fossils are used to date the layer, an obvious and
critical logical
error I discus in the previous article
here, but we won't worry about that now. For now we're focusing on
another error associated with the evolutionary understanding of the
geological column. Earth's history of creatures is supposed to go back millions of
years, with various creatures during different periods. But note, around the time of the Cambrian period, there is an
"explosion" of life evident in the fossil record. Below the Cambrian
layer, fossils of any kind are extremely rare. In the Darwinian scheme,
"below" is "before."
The Insurmountable problem of the Cambrian
The problem for
evolutionists is, the fossils in the Cambrian layer are complex,
fully formed creatures of nearly every body type ("phylum" is the
technical term) without precursors. Without previous less complex
creatures (transitional forms) leading to the complex creatures found in
the Cambrian. That, according to Darwin's theory, is impossible.
Trilobites, for example, are an "index"
fossil for the Cambrian. If you find a trilobite fossil it is supposedly
from the Cambrian period which runs some 500 - 600 million years ago.
But trilobites are very complex creatures.
"The biological structure of a
Cambrian Trilobite was as complex and sophisticated as a modern
crab. Its organs included a brain, gut, heart and compound eyes."[3]
And the compound eyes are among the
most complex found in any creature, anywhere at any time. So trilobites are
not simple creatures. They're very complex. And they appear in the
lowest, and thus supposedly oldest Cambrian layers supposedly containing
the simplest creatures. And they appear without precursors. Without
forerunners. Without transitional forms below them. They just appear. In terms of Darwinian evolution,
that's impossible. This is what troubled Darwin. It's also what
falsifies his theory as I point out
here. In fact, in his "Origin of Species" Darwin laments,
if the theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest
Cambrian stratum was deposited long periods elapsed, ... and that
during these vast periods of time, the world swarmed with living
creatures. ...
To the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits
belonging to these assumed earlier periods prior to the Cambrian, I
can give no satisfactory answer.”[4]
Darwin's answer? The fossil record is
"...I believe the answer mainly
lies in the record being incomparably less perfect than is generally
Darwin could get away with that in
1859. But it's been more than 150 years that paleontologists and others
have been digging up fossils and examining the fossil record. And still,
after all this time and research,
no indication of the many numerous transitional forms needed to validate
his theory that Darwin expected would be found. But now, its more
than just lack of evidence of transitional forms. Discoveries in China
have demonstrated the fossil record is not incomplete in a manner that
will save Darwin's theory. Rather, it's replete with fossils that destroy
Darwin's theory
The Chengjiang Fossils of China
Outside of the small town of Chengjiang,
in the Yunnan province of China, a remarkable fossil find was made in
1984. Discovered there, beautifully preserved, were fossils not
only of hard-shelled creatures like trilobites that are expected to be
preserved, but also creatures with soft tissues which no one ever
expected to be preserved in the fossil record.

Above - Chengjiang hard shelled Triolobite
Below - Chengjiang soft-shelled creature

Above - Chengjiang fossilized sponge embryo
"Icons of Evolution" Author Jonathan
Wells narrates concerning the soft-tissue creatures:
"No hard parts, no skeletons, no
shells, just soft-bodied, and yet they're exquisitely preserved."[6]
So near Chengjian, China are
fossils of both hard-bodied and soft-bodied creatures. Those finds
include fossils of embryos of sponges found below the Cambrian layer. So
even something as small, soft and fragile as an embryo has been
preserved in the fossil record. "Signature in the
Cell" author Stephen Meyer sums up the significance:
"If these lower strata can preserve
an embryo, If they can preserve a soft microscopic embryo, then why
couldn't they have preserved a larger ancestral forms that
supposedly evolved into the Cambrian animals? In other words, if you
can preserve something as fragile as an embryo, why couldn't you in
the same strata of rock preserve the immediate ancestor of a
hard-shelled trilobite?"[7]
Darwin's excuse proved wrong
Darwin claimed the fossil record was
incomplete. With the find of the Chengjiang fossils, it's clear the
problem is not that the fossil record is incomplete. The problem is
Darwin in particular, and evolutionists in general misunderstand what
the fossil record represents. The fossil record and the geological
column are not a record in fossils of creatures over supposed millions
of years. The fossil record represents creatures rapidly buried in the flood of
Noah's day. (Rapid burial is the only way you get a fossil. Otherwise
natural processes - predators, etc destroy the carcass.) And they were buried
in the order of their proximity to waters (the flood
started with the breaking open of the "fountains of the great deep" -
Gen 7.11) and their mobility and ability to escape rising flood waters.
Note the order of burial in the
Geologic column above (starting from the bottom): Fish, Amphibians,
Reptiles, Mammals and (not depicted) Birds. Fish, being in the
water when the catastrophe started are obviously going to be buried
first. They can't escape being in water, so there's no where for them to
flee to.
Next, creatures who live part-time in water - amphibians are next. Next,
the less agile slower reptiles are buried followed by the faster ones.
Finally the agile mammals, and last, birds which could fly presumably
until they found no place to land, as the waters completely covered the earth.
With no place to land the birds were finally overtaken by the waters and forced down due to sheer
exhaustion. This is a consistent explanation of the fossil record within
the Creationist worldview.
Notice there is no explanation for the
Cambrian explosion within the Darwinian evolutionary world view.
Darwinists can still find "no satisfactory answer" to it. They have neither
leg nor fossil to stand on to explain the undisputed evidence of the fossil record of the Cambrian
Duane Caldwell | February 11, 2022
1. Stephen Jay Gould, ref from "Darwin's
Dilemma:The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record", Illustra Media
Documentary, DVD, 2009
2. Ernst Mayr, What
Evolution Is, New York:Basic Books, 2001, p. 86
3. Narrator, "Darwin's
Dilemma:The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record", Illustra Media
Documentary, DVD, 2009
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
Sixth London Edition, with all Additions and Corrections, First published 1859;
This edition published by Enhanced Media , p. 292 Kindle Loc 5212
Darwin, Origin of Species, p. 137, Kindle loc 2438
Jonathan Wells, ref. from
"Darwin's Dilemma:The
Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record"
Stephen C Meyer, ref. from
"Darwin's Dilemma:The
Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record"
Featured - The Chicago
Field Museum's Exhibit on the Cambrian Explosion - by
Sonlight Tours
The Geologic Column - Pinterest
Chengjiang Fossils - Darwin's Dilemma - Illustra Media