The Bible states that the heavens and
the earth were created in six literal days. God created Adam and Eve and
placed them in a garden called Eden. Adam and Eve sinned, bringing sin
into God's perfect creation, and sin brought with it the consequence of
death. The Bible goes on to state that:
"The LORD saw how great man's
wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of
the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time." (Gen 6.5)
So God elected to start over, wiping
all the wicked people off the face of the earth and begin again with the
family of one righteous man: Noah (Gen 6:8-10).
What is the best evidence of this
creation account? The first question to answer is what kind of
evidence should we be looking for? The first criteria is that it should
be evidence that is accessible and acknowledged by all - on both sides
of the debate. The second criteria has to due with the explanatory
power of the evidence, which is explained below.
I was recently at a meeting
[1] where Creation Ministries International (CMI)
geneticist and speaker Rob Carter gave a talk about creation. Dr. Carter
presented a helpful diagram of the type of evidence he likes to present
when arguing for creation. It will be helpful here. The diagram looked
something like this:

The circles represent competing
theories, in this case secular origin theories vs. the Biblical account
of creation. Let's say the blue circle represents evidence that supports
the Biblical creation account and the red circle represents evidence
that supports secular theories of creation. The colored areas in the
circle then represent 1 of 3 types or domains in terms of support the
evidence gives for one theory or the other:
Domain A - (Blue) - is evidence that only supports the creation account
and thus disproves the secular account.
Domain B - (Purple) - is evidence that
supports either the creation or the secular account.
Domain C - (Red) - is evidence that
supports only the secular account and thus disproves the creation
In terms of explanatory power, the type
of evidence we're looking for is in domain "A" - evidence that only
supports the creation account, and thus disproves the secular account.
Before going onto the evidence let me give you examples of each type.
We'll go in reverse order.
Domain C (evolution only) type
evidence would be finding thousands of examples of creatures in the
process of transition between one species and another as Darwin
predicted. There should not be just "one" or just "a single"
missing link, but literally thousands of transitional forms showing the
intermediate states between one species and another. To date there is
not a single, undisputed example of a creature in a transitional state
or a "missing link." Not one. Every time evolutionists find what they
think is an example, it turns out to be a fully formed, creature
existing as designed. (Or a fraud.[2])
For example consider archaeopteryx.
Evolutionists claim it as transitional between dinosaurs and birds.
Creationists claim it as a fully functional, non-transitional,
unadulterated bird. So that's a disputed example. If it were undisputed,
it would go in as category C. But since Creationists can also explain it
(and they do - as a bird), it must be put into category B. In case
you're wondering, no domain C (explained by evolution only) evidence has
ever been found. Indeed, evolutionists can't even imagine what the
functional transitionary forms would look like[3],
a tacit admission that transitionary forms wouldn't work. Or as noted
evolutionist Stephen Gould put it, "What good is half a jaw or half a

Archaeopteryx as depicted at the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum
Domain B (evidence that could
support evolution or creation) Here's a better example of domain B type
evidence: variation (also known as micro evolution). Evolutionists claim
this as a mechanism of evolution. Creationists also claim it as a valid
process, but it is not a creative process, it is a removal process -
removing information from creatures allowing them to adapt in a
environment, but making them less fit in another. (Flies without
wings on a windy island might be less prone to being blown into the sea,
but are overall less fit to survive.) Thus variation cannot be used as
support for "evolution only" because Creationists also acknowledge it
and explain how it is used.
Domain A - (Evidence used for
creation only) It would be tempting to say something like "just look
around - the fact that we're here is proof of creation" and rely on the
philosophical proofs like the Kalam cosmological argument[5]
to prove that the creation had to have a creator. But secularists also
have a creation story, they call it "The Big Bang", so from their
perspective, the fact of creation must be put in domain B - evidence
that both theories explain.
No, we need evidence that only
supports the Creation account, and fortunately, we have that in the
Global Flood. The Global Flood is evidence for Creation only
because in their attempts to "free the science from Moses"[6]
as lawyer turned geologist Charles Lyell put it, secularists have
rejected a global flood. In 1830 Lyell wrote "Principles of Geology" a 3
volume work in an attempt to discredit the Biblical account of creation.
To this day secularists deny there was a catastrophic global flood, even
though they recognize the signs of a catastrophic flood, because they
see them in the geology of Mars[7] (which has
no water), but reject it on earth - where 71% of the surface is covered
by water.
Lyell tried, as Answers in Genesis
(AIG) director of research Andrew Snelling explains it, "
explain the whole rock record by only slow gradual processes so as to
reduce the flood to a geological non-event."[8]
In other words his goal was to deny and discredit a global flood - in
order to "free science from Moses." (Of course Moses is
mentioned because the account of the flood
appears in the writings of Moses in Genesis chapters 6 through 10.) And
to this day scientists continue to deny a global flood. Thus
evidence of a global flood can only be evidence for creation since
secular scientists deny a global flood ever happened. So what evidence
do we have of a global flood?
The best evidence we have has been
succinctly stated in a phrase often found in the presentations of AIG
speakers.[9] As Bryan Osborne of AIG told
Creation in the 21st Century host David Rives:
"If there was a global flood as
described in the Bible, David, we
would expect to find billions of dead things, buried in rock layers,
laid down by water, all over the earth. And guess what we find?
Billions of dead things, buried in rock layers, laid down by water,
all over the earth."[10]
The first thing we should note is
already our first criteria is met. Everyone acknowledges the truth in
each of the statements. Together, these are powerful statements with a
lot of significance that's supports the creation account that's not
immediately apparent, so let's unpack them
a little bit:
- Billions of dead things
i.e. fossils. We rarely see fossils forming now. When creatures
die they are quickly consumed by scavengers leaving no trace. So the
secular model has no expectation of finding the billions of fossils
that we find. How then, did we get
the evidence of billions of dead things? If there were a
global flood that killed "every creature that has the breath of life
in it" (Gen 6.17) then you would expect to find billions of dead
creatures - mixed together (more on that later ) - since they would
be preserved by the rapid burial of a flood.
- Buried in Rock Layers
Why are we able to find the "billions of dead things" since fossils
don't normally form? Which begs the question how do you get fossils? To make a fossil, the creature has
to be buried quickly enough and deeply enough to not be eaten by
scavengers. And they must have died in conditions appropriate for
the bones to be mineralized. Like what would happen as a result of a flood.
The evidence of the fossil record is evidence of rapid burial in mud
and debris that mineralize bones, and turned the mud into rock
layers. It is not evidence of a slow process that took millions of
years. Fossils do not form in the slow accumulation process to
build layers described by secular theories. They would disappear
long before the layer was complete. The layers had to have been
deposited quickly - as they would have been in a global flood.
- Laid down by water
The rock layers these creatures were buried in started as sediment
- mud, eroded rock, sand, etc. carried by water currents until they
settled and hardened into sedimentary rock layers. The movement by the
water would have been a dynamic process, with deposits being laid
down " following the other until thick sequences of layers had
accumulated, trigged by a combination of consecutive tidal waves
(tsunamis), tides, pulses of gravity-driven underwater mud flows,
and other processes."[11] The
deposits that were laid down amassed
quickly (within the year of the flood duration).
They did not amass over hundreds of millions of years as a result of slow, gradual,
calm processes as required by secular theories.
- All over the earth.
The sedimentary layers are not local phenomenon. They span entire
continents and are found around the world. "Many geologists are
already aware that there are six thick sequences of fossil-bearing
sedimentary strata, known as megasequences, which can be traced
right across the North American continent."[12]
These megasequences go beyond North American to other continents.
"Such global-scale deposition of sediment layers (e.g. chalk and
coal beds) is, of course, totally inexplicable to uniformitarian
(long-ages) geologists by the application of only today's
slow-and-gradual geologic processes that only operate over local to
regional scales."[13]
This in itself is powerful evidence -
not of the slow and steady results from projecting processes we see
today back billions of years. Rather this is evidence of a catastrophic
global flood, and in my estimation proof of the creation account. But we
don't have to stop there, there's more Domain A type evidence of
a global flood:
- Bent rock Layers
Bent rock layers can be found in many mountain areas and sedimentary
rocks. The rock can only be bent while soft (as it would be in a
flood). The suggestion that heat (like from a volcano) could do it
would also change the rock material in the process so does not
explain the rocks as we see them - unchanged by heat processes.[14]
- No Erosion between rock layers
If the rock layers truly took millions of years to form, why is
there no erosion between the layers? No dust? No evidence of rain?
Places like the Grand Canyon are not evidence of a slow,
millions-of-years process because there's a lack of erosion and soil
between the rock layers. The layers in the canyon are evidence of
rapid deposition with gorges cut after deposition by large volumes
of moving water. Like what a flood would produce.
Evolutionists cannot explain why processes that supposedly took
millions of years did not leave evidence of erosion or dust between the layers that
certainly would have been exposed to erosion processes.
Rather it appears that the layers were "laid down like bricks"[15]
as geologist Tim Clarey says, quickly with no time for erosion
or dust to settle between them.
- Rock Layers that span entire
As noted above (under "All over the earth") - sedimentary rock layers span multiple
continents. "This was documented five decades ago in 1963 and
subsequently verified by numerous observations so that it is now
well recognized."[16] This cannot by
explained by slow and gradual secular processes that operate only
locally.River polished rocks in the
Grand Canyon Creationists claim the Grand canyon was formed
quickly in the catastrophe of the flood which deposited
the layers which were then cut into gorges when the water drained as
the flood receded.
Secularist claim the grand canyon was formed slowly over millions of
year by the gentle process of the Colorado river winding through the canyon.
If that were true you'd expect to find rocks polished by the river
for the entire depth of the canyon. That's not the case as grand
canyon tour guide Russ Miller explains from the vantage point of a
river tour in the canyon:
"As the water runs over rock over a long period of time it polishes
the rock. Well when you're down on the river, the rock tends to be
polished for about 20-30 feet above the river, but after that it's
not polished. That's because those layers were cut through very
quickly [by the flood] and the river then entered the already
formed canyon and has only had the opportunity to polish the rock at
the very lowest levels of the canyon."[17]
(bracketed words added for clarity)
Thus the upper rocks are not
polished because they're too high for the river to reach. So the
river did not cut through them to form the gorges.
- T Rexes found with 5 species of
Evolutionists claim the fossil record is the record of evolutionary
development. Thus from the bottom up, in broad strokes you see fish,
then amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds - the order of
evolutionary development. These are of course
separated by millions of years according to evolutionists. So you
wouldn't expect to find fish buried with reptiles. Creationists
claim the fossil record is a record of deposition from the flood -
so you would expect to find many types of creatures mixed together
based on where the currents carried them.
And what do we find?
Geologist Tim Clarey reports that "T Rexes have been found in
Montana with the same rocks that have 5 species of shark."[18]
This is expected in the creation model. But finding reptiles (from the
Jurassic period 140-210 million years ago (mya)) with marine animals
(Devonian period 350-410 mya) can't be explained in the secular model due
to the supposed long ages between when the animals supposedly
While these alone are sufficient to
establish the creation account as verified we can also add Domain B type evidence which also speak
powerfully of a global flood: (Though evolutionists may claim they have
an answer for these.)
- Flood stories found in
virtually all people groups[19]
This makes sense - if all people are descended from the 8 people on Noah's ark. The story of survival on the ark would have
naturally been a part of the knowledge base of each family group.
- Clams - buried closed
Clams have a muscle that keeps the shells closed. When they die, the
muscle relaxes and the shells open - which is how they're normally
found when dead. Many fossilized clams have been found closed
- meaning they were buried too deep too quickly to dig themselves
out as they normally would. What's even more remarkable are the
reports that they're even found fossilized and closed clams on top of the
highest mountains like Mt. Everest.[20]
Creationists don't claim the flood covered Everest. Rather the flood
created Everest. And the clams were deposited during that creation
process as the mountain was driven to rise above the waters of the
flood - bringing sedimentary rocks in the process - rocks that
contained the clams.
- Multiple Parallel lines of
Dinosaur Tracks
Scientists from China have found thousands of dinosaur
foot prints.[21] These prints don't
show them milling around leisurely grazing. No these tracks show all
the animals moving with speed in one direction. Scientists suggest
the animals were panicked and running. What were they running from?
Some suggest a migration or predators, but among the animals running
were the top predators tyrannosaurs and coelurosaurs along with the
large bulky hadrosaurs. What dinosaurs would migrate with
tyrannosaurus? And what predators would all of these creatures
(including tyrannosaurus) be running from - through mud soft enough
to create footprints that was then quickly covered which preserved
the tracks? What makes more sense is the dinosaurs - all of them -
large and small - were panicked and running through mud trying to
flee the rising waters of Noah's food.
Note these evidences are cumulative.
Atheists and evolutionists like to play the game, "give me your best
evidence" and want to convince you if
they can explain your best evidence with their theory, they need go no
further - the rest is likewise covered. No, all the evidence must be
individually be explained, not just some of it. And particularly
the Domain A type evidence.
Put it all together, and you get a very
powerful argument for creation. And really if the facts are
properly understood, all you really need is the one statement: As a
result of the flood we'd expect to find:
Billions of dead things,
Buried in rock layers,
Laid down by water,
All over the earth.
And that's precisely what we find. What
we don't find are any transitionary forms. There is no evolutionary
explanation that explains all these facts. The most reasonable
explanation is that the creation and flood happened as recorded in the
Duane Caldwell | April 16, 2019
Midwest Creation
Fellowship hosted CMI geneticist and speaker Dr. Rob Carter
on 2/4/2019
2. Famous
frauds include
Piltdown Man and
Haeckel's embryos
3. Gould on the inability to even imagine
transitionary forms:
"The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages
between major transitions in organic design, indeed our
inability, even in our imagination, to construct
functional intermediates in many cases, has been a
persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of
evolution." [emphasis added]
S.J. Gould, "Is a New and General Theory of evolution
Emerging?" Paleobiology 6(1), 1980, p.127.
ref. from Noah's Flood and the Earth's Age Answers in
Genesis DVD featuring Dr. Andrew Snelling, Lecture, 2009
4. Ref by
Andrew Snelling from Creation In the 21st Century with
David Rives episode aired 3/23/2019
5. The Kalam
Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God:
Major Premise: Everything that begins to exist has a creator
Minor Premise: The Universe began to exist
Conclusion: Therefore the Universe has a creator
(That creator must be God.)
6. Charles
Lyell admitted in private correspondence that he was trying
to get churches to reject the Biblical account of creation.
For more see, "Charles Lyell's hidden agenda - to free
science 'from Moses'",
by David Catchpoole and Tas Walker, CMI, 19 August 2009,
7. On
Catastrophic floods on Mars:
Chelsea Gohd, "Catastrophic Floods Rapidly Carved the
Surface of Mars", Discover Magazine, November 19, 2018,
Noah's Flood and the
Earth's Age, Answers in Genesis DVD featuring Dr. Andrew
Snelling, Lecture, 2009
9. Andrew
Snelling, AIG Director of Research, gives the same evidence
in a presentation.
Creation In the 21st Century with David Rives episode
aired 3/29/2019
You will also find the same
concept in CMI material - just worded a bit differently:
"All around the world, in rock layer after rock layer, we
find billions of dead things that have been buried in
water-carried mud and sand."
The Creation Answer Book
(7th edition), D Batten, D
Catchpoole, J sarfati, C Wieland; Powder Springs Ga,
Creation Book Publishers, 2017, essay, "Was the Flood
Global", p. 156 Back
Creation In the 21st Century with David Rives episode
"From Creation To Babel And Beyond" aired 11/25/2017 with
Guest Bryan Osborne from Answers in Genesis
11. "Do
Fossils Show Signs of Rapid Burial" essay by Dr. John D.
Morris in The New Answers Book 3, Ken Ham General
Editor, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2009, p. 92
12. "Could
the Flood Cataclysm Deposit Uniform Sedimentary Rock Layers"
essay by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling in The New Answers Book 4,
Ken Ham General Editor, Green Forest, AR: Master Books,
2013, p. 174
13. "Doesn't the Order of Fossils in the
Rock Record Favor Long Ages", essay by Dr. Andrew A.
Snelling in The New Answers Book 2, Ken Ham General
Editor, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2008, p. 346
14. For
more see:
"#2 Bent Rock Layers, 10 Best Evidences From Science That
Confirm a Young Earth", Dr. Andrew Snelling, AIG Magazine,
Oct 1, 2012,
15. Creation In the 21st Century with
David Rives episode "The Truth of the Genesis Flood"
aired 4/21/2018 with geologist Tim Clarey from the Institute
for Creation Research
16. "Could
the Flood Cataclysm Deposit Uniform Sedimentary Rock Layers"
essay by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling in The New Answers Book 4,
Ken Ham General Editor, Green Forest, AR: Master Books,
2013, p. 174
Creation In the 21st Century with David Rives episode "A
Pinch of Leaven" aired 3/11/2016 with
Grand Canyon tour guide Russ Miller
Creation In the 21st Century with David Rives episode
"The Truth of the Genesis Flood" aired 4/21/2018 with
geologist Tim Clarey from the Institute for Creation
19. World
wide flood stories are acknowledged by both creationists and
evolutionists. See
World Wide Flood Stories at Answers in Genesis or
Flood Stories around the World at Talk Origins (secular)
20. For
Clams on Mt. Everest see the testimony of Joe Taylor here:
How Can You Drown a Clam?,
"Thousands of Dinosaur footprints found in China", Tas
Walker, CMI, 23 February 2010,
Images All images
used by permission
The Floating Ark, highlight from Creation Museum exhibit,
© Duane Caldwell, 2017
Archaeopteryx at Creation
© Duane Caldwell, 2017