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Creating Confusion: Theistic Evolution
and Progressive Creation |
Someone will ask, á la Hillary, what difference does it make? What does it matter what we believe about origins? Perhaps a few questions will clarify it for you: - If God can't be trusted about the origins of life, can he be trusted about
what happens at the end of life? You see all the beauty that God has promised for the life to come is tied up with the beauty of how God started this present world and this present life. If you deny God's account of originating events, and in so doing reject His assessment that when he finished, everything was "very good" (Gen 1.31); (which included the facts that there was no death, no sin, no separation from God); then if you don't believe him for the the beginning, why believe him for the ending? Many, including young Christians of college age, have noticed the disparity between what science teaches and what the scripture teaches and have left the faith because of it1. They have concluded if this story from scientists is right - as many of their teachers and pastors are telling them, then scripture must be wrong - and none of it can be trusted. They are (ironically and most unfortunately for those in Christian schools), simply following what they've been taught. (A charge usually leveled derisively at church goers.) Speaking as a former pastor, I address this question to pastors and Christian leaders who have abandoned the Biblical creation account to embrace bad interpretations of science: How can you expect your congregations, and the people who eagerly read your books, to stand firm in the faith if you won't? Scripture records "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." (Acts 11.26) The word "Christian" - is translated in many a sermon as "little Christ", and is supposed to represent someone who believes and acts as Jesus did. Jesus believed in the Biblical account of creation (Matt 19.4-5), in the global flood of Noah's day (Matt 24.37) in Jonah and the fish (Matt 12.40). Since evolution was not popularized until after Darwin's 1859 The Origin of Species - Jesus clearly did not have that in mind. So why do you allow evolutionary ideas to be injected into scriptures that clearly mitigate against it? Or are you unaware that one reason Darwin wrote Origin was to obviate the need for God?2 There are two flavors of compromise when it comes to those who refuse to remain steadfast in the faith - and history - "once for all entrusted to the saints." (Jude 3). There is the straight compromise of Theistic Evolution, promoted by Francis Collins and his Biologos organization. Then there is the syncretistic compromise approach of Progressive Creationism, promoted by Hugh Ross and his Reasons to Believe organization. Of the two, Progressive Creationism is more dangerous because it is more insidious, claiming to support the Biblical Creation account while all the while quietly injecting evolutionary ideas, concepts and time lines into the Biblical account. At least theistic evolution tells you up front what it is - a flavor of evolution - that its adherents claim was God's method of creating. They're wrong of course, but at least they're up front about what they believe. Contrast that to Progressive Creationism which claims to be creationist to the core, but if you look at what they believe, (made plain in the table below), you'll see there is not a single tenet of the Christian account of origins that they have not contaminated with incorrect evolutionary doctrine, timelines, or both. This adding of evolutionary material is a clear attempt to harmonize biblical and evolutionary accounts; and is the very essence of syncretism. And they do so as noted above with teachings that are diametrically opposed to the faith. Speaking of syncretism, it is very interesting that in an article meant to support a literal Adam and Eve3, out of the many, many paintings they could have chosen to depict Adam and Eve (an example is above), which one do they select? One that includes the mythical Lilith - an extra-biblical character - variously depicted as Adam's rejected first wife, or a half serpent, half woman creature; and in some circles regarded as the mother of the demons of seduction (succubi4). Perhaps the selection of that picture was an unconsciously performed act of syncretism; but it certainly fits the spirit of what they do there at Reasons.org - adding untruths to the biblical account. Before going to the chart, let's clarify a few things in the debate which some people may find surprising: - Natural Selection: -Theistic Evolution -Progressive Creation And now the chart:
![]() (Click to Enlarge) As you can see from the chart above, Theistic Evolution is pure evolution with 2 minor bones thrown to accommodate their Christian faith. Progressive evolution is also mostly evolution, with the much more dangerous aspect of syncretistic doctrines added to it. Their approach is "we believe in special creation, but..." and then add evolutionary doctrine. Neither of these positions is what the bible describes. As noted above, both of these doctrines undermine biblical Christian faith. Could this be why so many people are falling away from the faith: Christian leaders who refuse to stand firm in their faith? This is a call, particularly to Christian leaders, to return to, and stand firm in the faith "once and all entrusted to the saints." (Jude 3). Perhaps the warning God gave to Ahaz, king of Judah by the prophet Isaiah is appropriate for the church in this age:
Could these two compromises be part of
the reason for the coming apostasy?
Notes 1 For details on this, see Ken Ham “The Relevance of Creation”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFn46VSOXj4 at about 20 minutes 2 see "Darwin's Arguments against God", Russell Grieg, CMI, accessed () 3 see "Were they real? The Scientific Case for Adam and Eve, Fazale
Rana, RTB 10/1/2010
http://www.reasons.org/articles/were-they-real-the-scientific-case-for-adam-and-eve 4 Lilith as mother of the demons of seduction - (Succubi, singular
succubus), see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succubus 5 Darwin stole the idea of Natural Selection from the Edward Blythe, a
Christian who believed in what is now called special creation.
John G. Hartnett, "The Big Bang is not a Reason to Believe", Creation Ministries International,
On Neanderthals Interbreeding with modern humans:
9 See note 7 for the Biblical order of events 10 See note 6 for the Big Bang order of events
11 The is a necessary conclusion based on the fact they reject that Adam and
Eve actually existed; and thus could not be the recipients of the original
breath of life from God.
12 Hugh Ross and his Reasons to Believe organization
unabashedly teaches the Bible supports the Big Bang, with no explanation of why
the events are so radically different. 13 "In particular, in progressive creation, God came down and took two
hominids and literally breathed a soul into them, to create Adam and Eve." 14 For more see, "Hominids", Reasons To Believe, accessed 3/14/2015,