The Unique 3 Dimensional characteristic of the shroud
There is a 3 dimension characteristic to the shroud
as revealed by NASA's VP8 image analyzer. We don't know how
the information was encoded, but it's there and allows for an "acid" test of
Click photo to view video

Kevin Moran
Optical Engineer - Eastman Kodak

Peter Schumacher
Former VP8 Technician
Describes how the VP8 works, and the 3D characteristics of the Shroud

Dr. Ken Stevenson, STRP (Shroud of Turin Research
Project) member, co-author - Verdict on the Shroud
Evidence for article:
Is the Shroud of Turin Authentic - The Unconsidered Evidence
Kevin Moran
Optical Engineer - Eastman Kodak
Jesus the Evidence
TBN Broadcast / Grizzly Adams Productions 2001
Starting time mark: about 1:15:25
Peter Schumacher
Former VP8 Technician
Unwrapping The Shroud - New Evidence
Discovery Channel Documentary, 2008
Starting time mark about 1:45
Dr. Ken Stevenson,
STRP (Shroud of Turin Research Project) member, co-author - Verdict on
the Shroud
Behold the Man!
Trinity Broadcasting Network, 1985
Starting time mark: about 31:30