Meme: "Which came first, the chicken or
the egg? Evolution can't answer this."
Excerpted from:

Here we see problem #3: Claims which avoid the issue and never address the problem that has
been pointed out. I suppose this
meme is persuasive to
evolutionists, some of whom believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds.
(Yes really.)[4] So they see a theropod dinosaur, and then a chicken
and believe the chicken evolved from the dinosaur. Need I state the
obvious? There is no evidence in this meme of the question at hand,
namely which came first - the chicken or the egg; or the dinosaur
or the egg for that matter. And in passing, neither is there any evidence in this
meme or in the fossil record that dinosaurs evolved into birds -
but that's a separate issue. Back to our question at hand -
chicken or the egg, which is first? Merely stating "Yes, it can." is not evidence. As
atheist and evolutionist Christopher Hitchens affirms: "What can be
asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."[5] This
meme merely
Avoids the
question, thus with no evidence I can dismiss it with a logical wave
of Hitchen's hand bearing Hitchen's razor.
This leaves standing the original assertion: Evolution can't answer
which came first the chicken or the egg? No doubt evolutionists will
want to throw Hitchen's razor back at me and say neither have I offered any
evidence. Very well then, I offer this: What is it that allows a
fertilized egg to hatch into whatever laid the egg? Answer: To a large
degree, the
information and instructions in the DNA in the egg of course. A better
question is what is the source of information? Answer: The only source
of information is an intelligent mind. Well known intelligent
design advocate Stephen Meyer states:
Evolution has no answer to either
origin of the information in DNA, or the chicken
or the egg - which first problem; but scripture
tells us the intelligence came from God, and the mature creature God created
came before the egg. (Gen 1.20-25)
Duane Caldwell
Excerpted from:
Mistakes in Memes of Evolution Part 2
Related articles:
Mistakes in Memes of Evolution Part 1
Mistakes in Memes of Evolution Part 3 Codes and Complexity