Duane Caldwell | posted 5 July, 2017
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Rational Faith |
Evolutionist Misconceptions: Correcting Mistakes in Memes by Evolutionists: |
Meme: Evolution can't explain how all animal phyla suddenly appeared in the Cambrian explosion. Link to this topic: http://rationalfaith.com/2017/07/unmasking-mistakes-in-memes-of-evolution-part-4-evolutionists-blind-to-the-obvious/#cambrianphyla Informally, Phyla, (singular phylum from the Greek), "can be thought of as groupings of organisms based on general specialization of body plan."[2] Body plans can be thought of as the design of how the collection of body components are put together. For example, the body plan of horse - 4 legs, long body and neck; is different from the body plan of a human: 2 legs, 2 arms, short body, short neck. If you were to compare body plans; the body plan of a horse is closer to that of a lama than it is to a human for example. The body plan of a bird is radically different from all of those. Now consider the point being made: Evolution cannot explain how body plans came about. Now look at the defense given in the meme above: He speaks of how long the Cambrian Explosion lasted - which is irrelevant; then he talks about the number of species - also irrelevant. Then he talks about phyla which are similar, like our comparison of which the horse is closer to a lama or a human - also irrelevant. Notice what he never answers: He never answers the question of the origin of the body plans. Where do the body plans - however many you think there are - come from? He doesn't answer that because evolutionists have no clue. They are not encoded in DNA[3], and even if they were, random mutations could not create them. Philosopher of Biology Paul Nelson states:
Clearly evolutionists have no clue where body plans come from, yet they're too blind or too hardened in their evolutionary faith to admit it.
Duane Caldwell | posted 5 July, 2017 |
Notes (Numbers are continued from the original article.) 2. Wikipedia,
"Phylum", accessed 7/3/17
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phylum 3. Research Biologist
Jonathan Wells states: 4. Paul Nelson, ref from
Stephen C. Meyer, Darwin's Doubt - The Explosive Origin of animal
Life and The Case for Intelligent Design, New York: HarperCollins
Publishers, 2013, p.263