Rational Faith

Evolutionist Misconceptions:
Correcting Mistakes in Memes by Evolutionists:


Meme: The eye is too complex to have evolved.
Excerpted from: http://rationalfaith.com/2017/04/unmasking-mistakes-in-memes-of-

The eye is such a marvel of intricate design it deals a devastating blow to evolution. In response, evolutionists cannot turn to logic or science to refute the testimony the eye provides that it was clearly designed. So instead they do what they do best: tell stories.  To demonstrate how silly their story telling is, I will use their technique to show the evolution of planes, the premise being of course, they evolved without design. First we start with pictures that go from simple to complex:

Next, we provide a narration of how evolution supposedly accomplished moving from simple to complex. As the evolution of the eye diagram doesn't bother starting with the very beginning, neglecting for example, where nerve fibers or photosensitive cells come from, I likewise won't bother starting from the very beginning either and will jump right in. Thus the story of the evolution of planes goes something like this:

The Wright flyer, the earliest powered flying machine, had all the components we recognize today: fuselage, wings in a bi-plane configuration, stabilizers - horizontal (in a canard configuration - i.e. in front) and vertical (rear), an engine with (pusher) props. Natural selection quickly moved the horizontal stabilizer to the rear  and the prop to the front in the Avia B-534, yielding the more familiar bi-plane configuration. Evolutionary pressures quickly eliminated the need for the second wing yielding the familiar two seat trainer - the Cessna 152. It quickly became apparent that survival of the fittest meant survival of the  most powerful, so we see first an increasing number of engines going from 1 to 4 engines; (Bandeirante -2 engines; B-727 - 3; B-707 - 4)  with the engine itself evolving from a reciprocating engine to the more powerful jet engine. As speed increased nature swept the wings back to reduce drag as flight speeds approach that of sound. The latest stages of evolution of the plane we observe is the evolution from mere transport vehicles to planes of war - capable of destroying enemies that encroach on territory,  issuing threats or are otherwise causing problems. This is demonstrated in the advanced geometry of the swing wing, four engine, supersonic B-1 bomber. But evolution wasn't done. Speed, and weapons were not enough. So we see in the final picture one of evolution's proudest achievement: stealth. The 172 foot, flying wing B-2 bomber  which "in full stealth mode has the radar signature of a seagull."[3] Additionally its bombing is "devastatingly accurate."[4]

Reads just like an evolutionary story, right? Are you convinced? My guess is, you're not buying this story of how planes "evolved" without design. Why not? Because in addition to knowing that these planes were meticulously designed and manufactured,  you know the features that get added to make planes more complex don't just appear by random chance. Or even time plus chance.  It's obvious some intelligent process had to design them, and an equally intelligent manufacturing process had to add them. Simply putting pictures that go from simple to complex side by side does not prove anything - except you can put pictures side by side and order them. It says nothing about what happened to bring the items depicted in the pictures into existence. The same is true for sequence pictures provided by evolutionists. In addition to the problem of added features require intelligence, typically you'll find guessed at sequences tend to fall prey to sequence errors. We see this in the plane sequence above, (the four engine B-707 came before the three engine 727) just as we also see sequence errors in the stories evolutionists tell about the fossil record.[5]

The errors of oversimplication, disregarding known science and  wishful thinking (among others) applies to any sequence of pictures the evolutionist wants to show you -  claiming the members in the series "evolved" by Darwinian evolution. These errors apply whether it be the eye sequence above, or the famous ape to man sequence.  Such pictures are not science. Without detailed descriptions backed by controlled tests and verifiable processes showing how the item moved from one picture to the next without design, they are mere wishful story telling - just like my airplane evolution story above.

But that's not the only error. Evolution of the eye also suffers from another fatal blow, though most evolutionists either haven't recognized it, or won't acknowledge it. It's the same problem evolution has with DNA: where did the code come from?  Most people recognize the eye is not like a movie projector, capturing what's in front of you and projecting it on the brain. Rather, much like a computer sending a digital data stream, the eye captures the information, encodes it and transmits it to the brain, where it is then decoded and interpreted.[6] Who created the code? How did those abilities get incorporated in the brain? Here again evolution has no answer. In fact, evolutionists don't even want to acknowledge the problem, much less try to answer it.

(Numbering continues from the original article)

3. Narrator, B-2: Stealth at War, Smithsonian documentary, 2013

4. Dr. Rebecca Grant, Author, The B-2 Goes to War,
ref from B-2: Stealth at War, Smithsonian documentary, 2013

5. For example, Gish points out that evolutionists claim ungulate hooves evolved sequentially from being 3 toed to 1 toed; but when the fossil record is examined, it shows a sequence of 2 toed and 1 toed ungulates appearing simultaneously followed by 3 toed ones. Not the sequence evolutionists were hoping for.
Duane Gish, Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record, El Cajon: CA: Creation-Life Publishers, 1985, pp. 83-84

For further examples, see:
Gary Bates and Lita Cosner, "Are there out-of-sequence fossils that are problematic for evolution?" CMI, 17 April 2014, http://creation.com/fossils-out-of-order

6. The eye produces discernible colors in a process very similar to the way a computer is programmed to do so:
"The computer monitors makes difference colors by taking three primary colors, red green and blue and simply adding them together in different proportions. Then by using these three colors in different proportions, a computer monitor can make more than 16 million different colors. Your eye uses almost exactly the same process. The eye has cells. And these cells respond to different colors of light. You've got cells that respond to red light, cells that respond to green light, and cells that respond to blue light. And when light hits your eye, the cells start responding in proportion to how much of each color is there. Your brain then takes the signals coming from those three cells and adds them together in their
proportion to come up with a brand new color. And that color is what you perceive. And of course the number of colors we can perceive by this process is much larger than the number of colors that a computer monitor can make."
Dr. Jay Wile, Nuclear Chemist
ref from Science Scripture and Salvation Vol 21, "The Human Body & the Creator
episode 2: The Eye and the Creator" Institute of Creation of Research, Audio Broadcast (Podcast before the term was used) accessed 2/22/2009

Meme by Duane Caldwell © 2017
All images - used by permission from the license holders as noted below

Eye Evolution, Matticus78 English Wikipedia [GFDLor CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
The Evolution of Planes composite by Duane Caldwell © 2017
Wright Flyer, Louis P. Christman, Public Domain via www.wright-brothers.org
Avia B-534, CC0 (Public Domain) via pixabay.com
Cessna 152, CC0 (Public Domain) via pixabay.com
Embraer Bandeirante, Used by permission, www.skybrary.aero
Boeing 727, By Julien.scavini (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Boeing 707CC0 (Public Domain) via pixabay.com
Rockwell B-1 Bomber,by Dave Hahn [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Northrup B-2 Stealth Bomber, By US Government (Technical order 00-105E-9) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons