Duane Caldwell  |  April 15, 2024 


1. Guillermo Gonzalez, ref. from The Privileged PlanetIllustra documentary, 2006


2. Early commentators such as Matthew Henry (1708) and The JFB Bible commentary (1935) identify Russia as a possibility, either of one of a couple of locations, or by virtue of an assumed assumption of an identified name. Later commentators more firmly identify them, e.g. Ralph H. Alexander in his commentary in Ezekiel The Expositor's Bible Commentary (1986) where Russia leads the 3 nation group of Russia, Turkey and Iran; Thomas McCall and Zola Levitt in their book, "The Coming Russian Invasion of Israel" (1974), and even more recently, Pastor Jack Hibbs in his brief YouTube Video on Ezekiel 38 titled "The Ezekiel 38 Prophecy?" 4/10/2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni648AJsekw

3 Covid Vaccine Lack of effectiveness
See for example:
"On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination."
Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi and Arne Burkhardt, 12/15/2021

4. Covid Vaccine Lack of Safety
There are now numerous articles and videos on the deadly nature of the Covid MRNA vaccines. Here are a couple:
Video: Dr McCullogh, [Deadly] Until Proven otherwise:

Video: Dr Charles Hoffe - Covid Vax = Blood clots guaranteed. https://www.bitchute.com/embed/eFNrdpYvzIBl/




Total Solar eclipse April 8th, 2024, NASA

Eclipse seen from Anderson, Indiana, by
Duane Caldwell