Sidebar: No Extra-Terrestrials (ETs) in Scripture

Whistleblower David Grusch, an alien representation that allegedly looks like the one seen by Jesse Marcel, "Project Blue Book" representation of Area 51 test craft
 Whistleblower David Grusch, an alien representation that allegedly looks like the one seen by Jesse Marcel, "Project Blue Book" representation of Area 51 test craft





This is the side bar article to "Are We Alone? Assessing Whistleblower Tale of UFOs and Aliens" Point 2 spoke of ETs not being supported in scripture:

2. Theologically Unsupported

Some may counter, what if God created the aliens? While that's possible - scriptures are in fact clear there are many fantastic and alien beings in the spiritual realm. But it appears equally clear from scripture there are no other physical beings other than on planet earth. There are a number of reasons why, and rather than go down that rabbit hole here, I'll put it in a sidebar at the end and on a separate page.

Following is the expanded reason why.

Scripture is clear – there are no Extra-Terrestrial Aliens 

2.1 God's Dominion Charge to Adam (Mankind)
God gave his image bearers - Man and Woman dominion over all living creatures - birds of the air, fish of the sea, and everything that moves along the Ground. (Gen 1.26, 28). Man then names all the creatures (Gen 2.20) an act that symbolizes authority over the creatures. Man is clearly to have authority and dominion over all living creatures that God created. In the context of the creation narrative, God essentially shows Adam all the creatures over which he has dominion and allows him to name them. Clearly aliens are not included - though later we find man also has authority over angels (1 Cor 6.3, Ps 8.5)  (Note the Hebrew wording of Ps 8.5 - "You made him a little lower than אֱלֹהִים elohim - God. Man is a little lower than God, not angels as in the KJV or heavenly beings as the NIV has it. That is a clear reference to man's superior position over angels).  

2.2 Earth was the only place formed to be inhabited
Ps 45.18 states:

"...he who fashioned and made the earth,
he who founded it;
he did not create it to be empty,
but formed it to be inhabited."


God intentionally made earth to be inhabited - engineering into it all the fine tuning necessary to support life. When we look around at the earth and the universe, we see carefully designed fine tuning everywhere. The fine tuning needed to support a multitude of creatures is only placed on earth. Though scientists continually search, they have yet to find a planet even close to having the many qualities needed to support life.

For those who deny design in the universe, creation by God, and his fine tuning of the universe, see this article on some of the many problems with the secular theory of cosmogeny - the Big Bang, and particularly this section on Fine Tuning where British cosmologist Martin Rees points out the problem of clearly apparent fine tuning in the universe. In the documentary "The Privileged Planet" astrobiologist Guillermo Gonzalez is one of a number of scientists who list and explain a few of the many needed finely tuned factors concerning a planet required to make it habitable. I list these finely tuned items below with a recommendation you view the entire DVD.[1]

2.3 ETs and the curse

Both Gen 3.14-17 and Rom 8.21-22 indicate that the effect of Adam's sin extends not only to man but to all living creatures and the creation itself. The implication of that is that aliens on another planet would likewise be under the effects of sin and the curse. The problem for aliens however, is that God became man (John 1.14), born of a woman, born under the law to redeem men and woman under the law (Gal 4.4-5).  That's a problem for aliens. They are not humans. They are not brothers of Jesus, and are not made holy by Jesus (Heb 2.11-12). Thus they would be under the curse of sin without being able to be redeemed like humans. That doesn't sound like the type of judgment God would execute. You may point out that the angels also were not given a chance of salvation. True, but the fallen angels, following satan, rebelled directly against God with violence (Eze 28.16, Rev 12.7-9). Man nonviolently disobeyed God.  It is difficult to see how aliens could violently rebel directly against God in the same manner as the fallen angels did. So it's difficult to see why they would suffer the same judgment as angels without a chance of redemption as humans have. But they would indeed suffer the same fate as fallen angels since they cannot be redeemed as humans can since they are not human.

2.4 No ETs in Scripture

Scripture describes many fantastic - unearthly beings - but they are all spiritual beings from the spiritual realm. There is no mention of physical beings from any location other than earth. Particularly significant is the fact that we see no physical ETs in the restored creation. You may say that's to be expected, being (as we just discussed) under the same judgment as satan. But for the sake of argument, let's suppose they escaped the curse. Wouldn't we then expect to see them in heaven? But the fact of the matter is, there is no mention of them - anywhere. At the beginning of creation, in Gen 1.1 God speaks of everything in creation as "the heavens and earth" - a merism meaning everything. In Revelation 21, we have talk again of "the heaven and earth" but this time it is "a new heaven and a new earth." (Rev 21.1) This combined with God's statement "I am making everything new" (Rev 21.5) paints a clear picture that God is renewing and restoring his entire creation.

And who do see in the new creation? God of course, and man (Rev 21.3) and angels (Rev 21.12). The apostle describes how the new city descends from heaven - God with it - and God lives with man in this newly created combined literal heaven on earth. (Rev 21.1-3) In this new dwelling place of God - God lives with humans from earth and angels from heaven. There is no mention of physical aliens from a place other than earth.

We're given some details of the city - it has markings on it that record the way God has worked in history with men - that is to say humans. There is a wall with 12 gates with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel in the city (Rev 21.12). There are 12 foundations with the name of the 12 apostles on them (Rev 21.14). And angels at the gates. (Rev 21.12) But there's no mention of aliens from other planets joining in.

So we get glimpses of what the final eternal state looks like. The heavenly city is marked with the names of the people God worked with in history. We see God living with humans and all the beings - from heaven and earth - that he has worked with throughout Biblical history. But there is no mention of creatures from other planets. In Eph 2.13-20 the apostle Paul speaks of God bringing together those who are "far" and those who are "near" speaking of men - humans (v15). The purpose was to make one new "man" (v15) and reconcile that man to God (v16). Again, no talk of aliens.

It seems abundantly clear that all God's work has been focused on two places - his abode - called heaven, and earth where the pinnacle of his creation - man - lives. The only creatures we ever see in the Bible are either from the abode of God - the spiritual realm which would be angels - elect and fallen; or the abode of men in the physical realm: earth. From all God has revealed - and there is much, there is never a depiction of physical creatures from any physical place other than earth.


Related Articles:

UFOs and USOs - Mystery Solved
A Talking Snake and the Alien Connection

Duane Caldwell | July 14, 2023


1. The Privileged Planet, Illustra Media Documentary DVD, 2006

A short list of the planetary requirements to host life:

 - Within the Galactic Habitable Zone
 - Orbiting a Main Sequence G2 Dwarf star
 - Protected by gas giant planets
- Within the circumstellar habitable zone
- Having a nearly circular orbit
- Oxygen-rich atmosphere
- Correct mass
- Orbited by a large moon
- Magnetic field
- Plate tectonics
- Proper ratio of liquid water and continents
- Being a terrestrial planet
- Moderate rate of rotation

This is a brief list. In his article
Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God, (WSJ, 2014) Eric Metaxas indicates there are over 200 finely tuned factors required for a planet to support life.


Featured - Composite by Duane Caldwell featuring: Whistleblower David Grusch, a recreation of the alien Jesse Marcel claims to have seen and draw; a Depiction of secret test air craft in a hangar in Area 51