Duane Caldwell  |  October 27, 2024 

1. The debate was held on Friday Oct 11, 2024 at  Southern Evangelical Seminary

2. Interestingly, the question at the introduction of the debate was announced as:

"Can you hold to Biblical inerrancy and come to different conclusions about the age of the earth" 16:54
That has a slightly different nuance than the question used by Turek to open the debate:

"Does belief in inerrancy necessitate a particular view of the age of the earth." 21:22


3. Turek has done a number of videos on the age of the earth including one with Stephen C Meyer and William Lang Craig, both who adhere to the old age position - Turek is silent; but one of the clearest indications of  Turek's old age belief is this video where he indicates like Ross, that you have to consider evidence from nature, meaning our scientific understanding of nature, to understand the age of the Earth.
"Frank Turek Age of the Universe, Age of Earth", YouTube.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoB-YTlgrK4 , Dec 8, 2021



4. Time references are based on the YouTube recording of the livestream on Oct 11, 2024 accessible at:


5. Mortenson's graphic at 37:26 Reads:
"The story of millions of years is a Satan-inspired, sinners-invented attack on God's wisdom, goodness, power and truthfulness!

6. A line from Marmion, an epic poem by Sir Walter Scott


7 National Library of Medicine, The little-known history of cleanliness and the pioneers of handwashing, Oct 20, 2022, https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9632745/#:~:text=Doctors%20did%20not%20routinely%20wash,the%20spread%20of%20puerperal%20fever

8. On Pasteur on Lister:
Weill Cornell Medicine "Courage Under Crisis: Wash You Hands!"
Oct 19, 2020, https://library.weill.cornell.edu/archives-blog/courage-under-crisis-wash-your-hands

9. For the Rational Faith Summary of what has been characterized as Progressive Creation, which it appears Ross subscribes to see the article:
Creating Confusion: "Theistic Evolution and Progressive Creation", Duane Caldwell, March 19, 2015, https://rationalfaith.com/2015/03/creating-confusion-theistic-evolution-and-progressive-creation/

For an article directly from the Reasons website that describes the organizations belief concerning hominids, see
"Chimpanzee Behavior Supports RTB's Model for Humanity Origin", Fazale Rana, June 7, 2007, https://reasons.org/explore/publications/articles/chimpanzee-behavior-supports-rtbs-model-for-humanitys-origin

10. Reasons to Believe "Hominids" updated March 1, 2021, https://reasons.org/explore/publications/rtb-101/hominids

11. Neanderthals are fully human:

“What we have shown clearly is that we [modern humans] could interbreed with them [Neanderthals], and we could have fertile children. And at least some of these children became incorporated in the human community and reproduced and contributed to present day humans.”
Svante Paabo, geneticist
Max Planck Institute, Leipzig

Nova “Decoding Neanderthals”, WGBH Documentary, 2013

"We've been able to construct five or six different Neanderthal genomes. There is strong evidence that modern man and Neanderthals interbred meaning we are the same species by definition."
Rob Carter, PhD Biology, currently involved in researching and writing on human genetics.
Evolution's Achilles' Heels, Creation Ministries International Documentary, 2014, (48:43)

12. The Moody Bible Commentary, Michael Rydelnik, Michael Vanlaningham, Chicago: Moody Publishers, Kindle edition, Loc 947-954

13. The New Scofield Reference Bible, Holy Bible Authorized King James version, New York: Oxford University Press, 1967, reference notes on Gen 1.2 on "yom", pps 1-2

14. In "The Anathematisms of St. Cyril against Nestorius" it is noted:
"for the orthodoxy or heterodoxy of such a word must be determined by the context in which it is used."

The Seven Ecumenical Councils
, by Henry R. Percival, Edited by Paul A. Böer, Veritas Splendor Publications, 2013, Kindle Edition, p. 304 loc 8036

15. On context:
"About the only evidence available to us, we must emphasize again, is the context, the thrust of a passage (or even the book) as a whole. With very few exceptions, we will find that the context supports the common usage of a word rather than unfamiliar senses.
Biblical Hermeneutics, Third Edition, Milton Spencer Terry, Cambridge, Ohio: Christian Publishing House, 2021, Kindle Edition, p.81 Loc 2519


16. Brian Cox, ref from Wonders of the Universe episode "The Cosmos Made Conscious", BBC/Science Channel documentary, 2011

17. In the "Tome of Leo" written around the time of The Council of Chalcedon (451 AD) which dealt with the combining of Jesus' divinity and humanity, where they concluded that Jesus is one person with two distinct natures (divine and human), the bishop mentions Satan as the "author of sin and death." Attributing to God the evil work of Satan (which is essentially what Ross does) would not be approved or taken lightly, just as attributing to Satan the good and miraculous work of the Holy Spirit Jesus called blasphemy (Mark 3.29-30)
"The Tome of Leo" Ref. From
The Seven Ecumenical Councils, by Henry R. Percival, Edited by Paul A. Böer, Veritas Splendor Publications, 2013, Kindle Edition, p.351 loc 9342


Wolf in Sheep's clothing in Lab coat with Bible - AI generated image