This question deals with the canon and history. Before we can answer the question concerning Constantine “the Great”, we must understand what the canon is and get a little background on what was happening in the time of Emperor Constantine. Let’s start with the canon.
The Canon of Scripture
As it is used today, the canon is the list of 66 books which are included in the Bible. Here is how the word “canon” and its usage came about:
“Etymologically, kanōn is a Semitic loan word that originally had the meaning “reed.” From this came the figurative sense of a “measuring rod” or “ruler” and from this the general idea of a “norm” or “standard.” Finally, the term could adopt the purely formal sense of a “list” or a “table.” [1]
The 66 books of the Bible—39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books—were not wantonly placed in the Bible by kings or bishops. Books were included in the canon because they were recognized to be from God using a process that contained a number of criteria. As the McDowells put it: Continue Reading