Q10: Why do Christians want to control women’s bodies?

Year AD 2000 – Picture of the Century

This question “Why do Christians want to control women’s bodies” shows how willing people are to deceive themselves when they don’t want to accept the truth and instead would prefer to believe a lie. (cf 2 Thess 2.12). Before I get to this question concerning a woman’s body, let me ask three questions that will help put things in context:

1. Is murder contingent on a person’s location? For example, if you murder someone outside their house, is it still murder if you unjustifiably with “malice aforethought” (Num 35.20-21) kill them inside their house? Continue Reading

Proxy Wars

Proxy War puppet master

“The Culture war that is a proxy war to the spiritual war.”

This is a recurring phrase in the below video of Seth Gruber giving a powerful pro-life message and explaining The White Rose Resistance. Gruber uses that recurring refrain (viewable, for example, at 26:42, 35:56, 1:05:11 among others) to describe how Satan’s strategy for deceiving people into killing babies has not changed over the millennia. And it got me to thinking of other proxy wars. Continue Reading

Review: “Unplanned” movie

Abby Johnson sees abortion for the first time.

Abby Johnson sees an abortion for the first time.

Unplanned [1] tells the story of Abby Johnson, who almost on a lark volunteers to help Planned Parenthood’s supposed mission to reduce abortions and rises to become the director of a Planned Parenthood (PP) clinic. She’s a rising star at PP until she’s confronted with the truth of what abortion actually does.

Perhaps what this movie does best is expose all the lies Planned Parenthood promotes from the “we’re primarily a women’s healthcare facility” to what Abby initially foolishly believes – that the mission of PP is to reduce abortions.  The abortion industry is full of lies of both commission and omission.  This movie does a good job of exposing them all. Continue Reading

New York Abortion Law – Make No Mistake – This is Evil

We’ve called many things evil before.  For example many agreed with then governor Dannel Malloy when he said of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings which killed 20 innocent students and 6 adults at the school that  “evil visited this community today.”[1]  Well if evil merely visited Sandy Hook that day, then evil has taken up permanent residence in New York state where governor Andrew Cuomo has signed a pro-abortion bill into law that can only be characterized as evil by those who still recognize that killing innocent children is evil.

This new law – The Reproductive Health Act (RHA) is so radical, so diabolical that even babies who managed to survive an abortion are not safe. No, this new law allows women and medical professionals who should be caring for newborns – helping them to live – to instead neglect them and assure they die.[2] Make no mistake: this new law is evil.  If you have any doubts about that consider the following: Continue Reading

Hell is for liars

The Christian doctrine of hell:  conscious, painful, separation from God for all eternity for those who refuse God’s salvation. Perhaps the most difficult doctrine to deal with – for both Christians and non-Christians alike. This is such a difficult teaching there are plenty of people, cults and religions who outright deny it. After the denial of the deity of Christ, the doctrine of  hell is one of the first Biblical teachings to go.  In its place – everything from annihilation of the soul to universal salvation. Apparently the doctrine of hell is so scary even annihilation – eternal nonexistence –  is preferable to the Biblical doctrine of hell. According to one account, the Catholic doctrine of purgatory (a temporary place of punishment to pay for any un-forgiven sins) came about because punishment consisting of eternal wrath could not be countenanced by at least one early church father[1]. But the doctrine of purgatory is strictly a Catholic add on teaching – it’s not in the Bible. And it’s not what we’re talking about. Let’s be clear about what we are talking about. Continue Reading