Coronavirus and the microcosmos – a microcosm of evolutionary lies

Corona Virus

The Discovery TV series “How The Universe Works” (HTUW) purports itself to be a science series focusing on cosmology. In actuality it plays the same role for secular scientists that the main stream media plays for the left. That is to say it is a propaganda outlet. It promotes evolution expressed as Big Bang cosmology and Neo-Darwinism – just as the Main Stream Media have become nothing more than a large megaphone for left wing causes and talking points. I tune in to HTUW from time to time because they do manage to show some science in the process, but for the most part I watch to see the latest lies they’re using to prop up the failed theories of Darwinian evolution and the Big Bang.

A recent episode was titled “Aliens of the Microcosmos.” Since they usually focus on matters pertaining to outer space I tuned in to see what they’d be saying about these micro “aliens.” The motivation for this episode was quickly revealed as they showed a detailed depiction of the coronavirus. (above) This was apparently going to be “How the Universe Works explains the coronavirus.” But the goal was the same – to apply the same evolutionary lies to the microcosmos – which they succeeded in doing handily, hitting or paralleling all the major lies. For example, just as evolutionists wind up telling us we’re descendants of some apelike creature, this episode wound up telling us we’re likely descendants of viruses. I know that’s a bit hard to believe (at least I found it to be a stretch), so I’ll include a clip of planetary scientist Jani Radebaugh, astronomer Michelle Thaller and astrobiologist Kathryn Bywaters all telling us how we might be descendants of viruses.  I’ll drop that in below. Continue Reading

Question Evolution Day 2021 Questions: The Mimic Octopus

The Indonesian Mimic Octopus

So here we are at another February 12th, Question Evolution day. Since it’s already late in the day I’ll try to keep this short. But to put things in context, I need to preface my questions for Darwinian evolution believers with a question. Consider the following:

Concerning Purpose

A student is given an assignment to write a 1,000 word essay. The student completes the assignment and turns in the essay. The essay sounds familiar to the teacher so the teacher checks a plagiarism checker and as suspected, the student has plagiarized another work. The teacher confronts the student and says, “Your paper, is almost precisely word for the word the same as this published work. You’re guilty of plagiarism and will get no credit for your paper.”

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Chirality: An evolutionary nightmare

In the previous article I introduced the concept of chirality. Proteins are composed of amino acids and chirality is a property of those amino acids. To better understand how this is yet another concept that proves the impossibility of Darwinian evolution, we’re going to take a journey into the world of proteins and amino acids. Along with us on the journey, our tour guide and my featured guest: Dr. Kenneth Funk. Dr. Funk holds a Ph.D. in  Organic (Peptide) Chemistry. He worked for 28 years as a synthetic organic chemist in peptide process development for Abbott Laboratories for 28 years. He is pictured above giving a talk on chirality and demonstrating how the orbitals of the four shared electrons of a carbon atom form the perfect shape of a tetrahedron. That shape is a perfect arrangement for creating chiral compounds. We’ll come back to shape. For the journey we’ll borrow Cosmos’ transport method: the ship of the imagination. Because “In this ship of the imagination, free from the shackles of space and time, we can go anywhere.”[1] Continue Reading

15 Reasons:Why Evolution has never happened-Part 3

Bacterial Flagellum Motor

We’ve been looking at why Darwinian Evolution and its updated version neo-Darwinism are impossible. In part 1 I defined the terms so I won’t bother to do so here. Parts 1 and 2 cover the first 10 of the 15 reasons evolution is impossible as promised in the title. Without further ado, let’s get right to the last set of reasons.

15 Reasons why Evolution is impossible and never happened (Part 3)

The Digital Problem
11. The Digital Nature of Information in living creatures

Digital information – which by nature is coded information – is fully integrated within all living creatures. Let me point out a few examples: Continue Reading

15 Reasons:Why Evolution has never happened-Part 2

DNA Mutation

In the first installment of this series, I stated that Darwinian Evolution and its modern counterpart Neo-Darwinism, (the theory whose supporters want you to believe that non-living particles can become living people by undirected natural processes and large amounts of time), is an irrational belief kept alive by those unwilling to accept the truth. In support of that statement I proffered 15 reasons why evolution is not and could never be true. Since it could never be true, it follows it has never happened. In part one, I gave the first five reasons. Here are the next five reasons.

15 Reasons why Evolution is impossible and never happened (Part 2)

6. Limitations of Natural Selection

Neo-Darwinian theory posits that all species – all of them – are the result of natural selection acting on random mutations from an original common ancestor – often called the “last universal common ancestor” or LUCA. But even a cursory examination of the theory shows it to be fatally flawed in its conception. Continue Reading

15 Reasons: Why Evolution has never happened – Part 1

To avoid being proved wrong, like the shape shifting Mystique, evolutionists regularly change what they mean when they speak of “evolution” as I point out here. To be clear, this series refers to what is variously called “molecules to man” or “particles to people” evolution. Those terms capture what evolutionists must believe, (whether they acknowledge it or not), and what this writer claims never happened. Furthermore, Darwinian evolution (and its modern counterpart Neo-Darwinism) is an irrational belief kept alive by those who are unwilling (for various reasons) to accept the truth. There’s a lot packed into that statement so let me unpack it a bit. Continue Reading

Questions for Question Evolution Day 2020

Well here we are at another February 12th – formerly celebrated as Lincoln’s birthday, now many are trying to get people to think of Darwin’s birthday. While some are celebrating “International Darwin Day”, others are sharing “Question Darwin Day”, an initiative inspired by CMI with ongoing promotions by The Question Evolution Project. Rational Faith is obviously part of the latter group.  So for this year’s Question Evolution Day, our questions will be concerning the frozen frog you see in the picture above. You may think this is just an ordinary frozen frog, but I’m going to warn you up front about this – this is no ordinary frog. As Ray Comfort might say, this is an evolutionist’s nightmare. This is the Alaskan wood frog. And it is able to survive the harsh sometimes 40 degrees below zero winters. How? it digs a burrow and allows itself to freeze. Solid. Like a block of ice – like you see above. Then when spring arrives, and things begin to thaw – it does too. And wakes up. And hops away – like nothing even happened. Continue Reading

How to Answer Every Atheist Objection to the Existence of God

Answering Atheists

This is another installment in the series  on how to answer atheists – in light of the many atheist memes out there. This article is a bit of a departure – instead of looking at graphical memes we’ll look at some of the overused but fallacious arguments. And since I was looking for the toughest arguments atheists present – you may or may not find memes for these:  these particular arguments from atheists don’t necessarily lend themselves to a simple graphical presentation – though some are indeed out there. Continue Reading

More Questions for Question Evolution Day

Question Evolution Day is February 12

Theoretical physicist and science popularizer Michio Kaku said,

“Science, however, is never conducted as a popularity contest, but instead advances through testable, reproducible, and falsifiable theories.”[1]

Real operational science is testable, reproducible and falsifiable. Which of course excludes Darwinian evolution, since it is neither testable, reproducible nor falsifiable – at least it can’t be falsified to the satisfaction of Darwinists. Nevertheless in the scientific spirit of inquiry it is good to examine what many believe to be the “science” of evolution. and The Question Evolution Project have established February 12 – Darwin’s birthday – as Question Evolution Day. A day to inquire about and question a theory many erroneously think has been established as a “fact” due to the incessant cheerleading by its advocates.[2]

Creation Ministries International has published an excellent article titled “15 Questions for Evolutionists” that covers well many of the unanswered challenges to evolutionary theory. Also for your consideration: a few years back Buzzfeed did a “listicle” featuring creationists asking questions that are either problematic for evolution or supportive of creation. The questions sought to expose a problem with evolutionary theory, but were asked in a manner that made them easy to refute, so I wrote an article to fine tune the questions called “Refining the Questions for Question Evolution day.” It’s in the spirit of these articles that I offer a few more questions (and challenges to evolutionists) for Question Evolution Day. Continue Reading

Conspiracy Theory: You Killed JFK (And other false claims and abuses of Evidence)

JFK Motorcade

NO EVIDENCE. In what amounts to an abuse of evidence, atheists are fond of saying that there is no evidence for the existence of God. If you doubt that, take a look at this brief collection of atheists telling the world that very thing.  But is that a true claim? When a proposition is not true, you would expect to find no evidence for that proposition.

Take for example the proposition in the title – that  you, yes you dear reader –  killed JFK on the fateful day – November 22, 1963 at Dealey Plaza in Dallas. All reading this could no doubt  refute that claim. But those born after that date have a particularly easy and obvious piece of evidence that falsifies the proposition. The claim that they weren’t even born yet backed with a birth certificate to prove it. Continue Reading