Every time a father walks a bride down the aisle they provide evidence of God by recreating the first wedding when God walked Eve to Adam
I shortened the follow up question for the sake of making it fit in a title. The full question is:
Why does God hide? If God wants us to believe, why doesn’t he give us more evidence?
Is God Hiding?
First off, regarding God supposedly concealing himself: God is not hiding. When you read your Bible, the following facts are made clear.
1. In this age of the gospel, God is not hiding. He is spirit (John 4.24) and therefore invisible (Col 1.15, 1 Tim 1.17) to our physical eyes.
2. It is a good thing that God has separated himself from us so that we cannot see him, because sinful man cannot come into the presence of the holy God and live. Before man sinned he could see God and be in his presence. We learn this from the first marriage. After God created Adam the first man, God saw that it was not good for the man to be alone. (Gen 2.18) So God created a “suitable helper” for the man and brought her (Eve) to the man. (Gen 2.22) By the way, this bringing of Eve to Adam by God is why, during a wedding, fathers walk their daughters down the aisle to present their daughter to the groom. It is a reenactment of the first marriage. Continue Reading