A truck driver is discovered having disappeared with only his clothes remaining in Left Behind the Movie.
Were you left behind?
Have all the Christians disappeared? Perplexed? Wondering what happened, what to do next? Start with this article:
Left Behind – The Biggest Sign After the Eclipse
If you’ve missed previous signs and are now left behind after the Christians have disappeared, there are some key things to know – starting with the gospel, and moving on to how to save your life when the antichrist is revealed. Here is a key message from Jack Hibbs you need to hear.
Are you a Christian Wanting to reach out – before and after the Rapture?
Are you a Christian wanting to leave behind a message to your loved ones on how to be saved via a time capsule flash drive? The above flash drive includes the message of the gospel, what to do (and not do) when the antichrist is revealed, and the complete Bible. If you’re a Christian, you won’t be here when the antichrist is revealed, the Lord will have brought you to himself in heaven via the rapture. And when the antichrist takes control of the world, gospel messages may be removed from YouTube and the internet. It would not be at all surprising if the antichrist makes it difficult for people left behind to hear the message of the gospel, and how to save themselves from the eternal condemnation they will consign themselves to if they take the mark of the beast.
But you can still leave behind a witness for those left behind by giving your loved ones the truths they need to hear via this flash drive. It includes this message from Jack Hibbs, severa gospel presentations and much more. And since the message is contained on the flashdrive, it will still be available after the antichrist begins removing gospel messages from the internet. And even better, since it will have been given to your loved ones by someone they trust, they are more likely to finally listen to the message and believe once they see all you’ve been saying has come true. There’s even an option to leave a personal message for your loved one saved on the flash drive.
Use the form below to order. We’d like to offer these free, but there is a cost to produce them. So we’re offering these at our cost to produce, there is no mark up.
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