Does consciousness arise out of a lifeless, mindless explosion of nothing?
It seems this questioner has been imbibing too deeply into the flawed philosophy of atheists such as Richard Dawkins. Dawkins, in his 2006 book “The God Delusion”, is often quoted as saying:
“The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”
This is clearly Dawkins’ way of restating his view that there is no God, because God’s universe is quite different from Dawkins’. God’s universe is of course created by God with superintelligent design, purpose, meaning, and no evil when created. God created it so he could show love to man, the pinnacle of his creation (Ps 8.5), and man could show love back to God. So Dawkins’ assertion about the meaninglessness and purposelessness of the universe can be falsified by demonstrating that his root assertion—that there is no God—is false. Continue Reading