Fun house mirrors are amusing for a short time. Like caricatures they emphasize some features while diminishing others – or making them completely disappear. But the reason they’re enjoyable is because you know what the true image looks like, and you’re only seeing the distortion for a short time for amusement. And everyone looking at the distortion knows it’s a distortion. That’s why you stand before the distorting mirrors in the first place – to be amused by how the mirror will distort your features.
But how would you feel if all that people knew about you was the distorted image? What if they never saw the real you, the undistorted you? What if all your life you had to deal with people thinking that you were in fact the distortion they saw? |
Tag Archives: Bill O’Reilly
Evolution’s evil eggs – home to roost

Evolutionary doctrine gives birth to hatred and racism.
With the teaching of evolution rampant, there should be no surprise that teens have taken the lawless message of survival of the fittest to heart.
It’s happened again. This time in South Carolina. In a house of God. A youth barely out of his teens has slaughtered multiple people in a mass shooting. The particulars: a lone white gunman kills 9 black people engaged in Bible study and prayer in one of the nation’s oldest African American churches in South Carolina after he had watched the prayer meeting that was underway. In his report following the incident, Fox news commentator Bill O’Reilly notes the shooter was “apparently a long time racist, wearing anti-black patches on his clothing. Those who know him say he often made inappropriate statements about African Americans.1” The gunmen reportedly said “he had to kill” the innocent black attenders.
This type of mass shooting by a youth is merely one incident in a now familiar series, with incidents recurring ever more frequently. From the 1999 Columbine High School shooting in Colorado, where 15 where killed by two students; to the 2014 Corpus Christi Catholic College incident in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England where a 61 year old teacher was stabbed and killed by her student.2 These incidents are beginning to show a distinct and disturbing pattern: the perpetrators are highly influenced by the poisonous doctrine of evolution.
Evolution’s Evil Eggs
What evolutionary doctrine could possibly drive students to commit mass murder you may wonder? While the entire evolutionary worldview is problematic, the following two evolutionary lies combine to help form a mindset that sees no problem – moral or otherwise – with murdering whomever they see fit (or unfit as the case may be.)
Evolutionary lie number 1: There’s no such thing as evil
As I noted in a previous post on the problem of evil, evolution teaches that there is no such thing as objective morality, right or wrong, and in particular no such thing as evil. This is not a veiled, hidden teaching, but rather one that is acknowledged and embraced. Consider the following:
What is Religion? Does evolution qualify? Atheism?
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Atheists and evolutionists claim they have no religion. But is that true? |
A Torah scroll containing the first five books of the Bible Text highlighted: The first words of Deuteronomy 6.5 |
Atheists are fond of saying that they have no religion, because atheism is not a religion. Here’s an example from Twitter.
Likewise, evolutionists claim that evolution is science, a fact, and certainly not religion. Here, for example, is a video of Richard Dawkins at big think claiming evolution is a fact. But are atheists and evolutionists correct in asserting that their respective beliefs are not religions? That of course depends on the definitions.
Evolutionists are notorious for redefining evolution to suit their needs for the occasion. In other words to keep evolution from being exposed as the total fraud it is, they keep changing the meaning of the word “evolution”; so they wind up claiming you’re not speaking about the same thing; though you’re speaking of the same evolution the discussion started with. For instance, you may start out with a statement like “molecules to man evolution has never been observed.” They’ll return something like, “Do you know what evolution is? It’s a change in the allele frequency of a gene pool.” These are two different things; two different discussions, and thus you can never convince them of anything. Steven Meyer and Mike Keas have documented 6 of the common uses of the term “evolution” that evolutionists switch between.1 There’s a term for that tactic. It’s the logical fallacy known as equivocation.
Therefore to say there is no God is arrogant), and thus they simply say “I don’t know if God exists” – the agnostic position.
And with Bill O’Reilly out there confusing people with his repeated claims that Christianity is a “philosophy” not a religion,2 Christianity is not without those who are muddying the waters. So can we claim any of these are religions? Yes, these are all religions and that can be clearly seen once we understand the difference between how a religion is recognized, and how it is expressed by adherents.
Religion and the Establishment Clause
The courts have been a favored weapon of atheists and to a lesser degree evolutionists in the battle to silence Christians while simultaneously getting their Godless theories to be accepted and promoted in government sponsored venues like schools. The typical approach is to use the first amendment’s “establishment clause” against anything that even sounds Christian.
The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:
The clause reads as follows: Continue Reading
“Killing Jesus” – a review
“Killing Jesus” presents a Jesus declared to be the son of God by his disciples, instead of the eternal God made flesh that is presented in scripture. |
What can you expect from Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus? Let me borrow a scene from the Bible to explain:
After John the Baptizer1 is put in prison by Herod Antipas (called Herod the Tetrarch) for preaching against Herod’s immoral, adulterous affair with the wife of his brother Philip, the Bible records John while in prison sends some of his disciples to Jesus to affirm that Jesus is in fact the messiah that John had announced to the world that he was when Jesus came to him to be baptized by John in the Jordan. In answer to John’s question – are you the one – Jesus provides John’s disciples evidence that he is in fact the messiah by performing messianic miracles (Is 35.5) in the sight of John’s disciples, and sends them back with the message that he is doing the works of the messiah as prophesied by scripture; and also sends a word of encouragement to John. (Luke 7.21-23)
Jesus then turns to the crowd and affirms John and his ministry by asking the people a series of questions that hones in on the expectations the people had about John: Continue Reading