Red Pandas, Trees and Orchards

Red Panda Problems for Darwin’s Tree of Life:
The Red Panda doesn’t fit; nor do a host of other creatures, vindicating the biblical account of creation by kinds.

In the recent Ken Ham vs Bill Nye debate on origins (which one tweeter aptly named the Ham on Nye debate) based on some comments I’ve heard,  it seems to me that a number of people missed one of the main points Ham was making. And since one the reasons for this blog is to defend the  Biblical account of origins let me revisit that point here.

Ham pointed out that the Bible makes specific claims about origins – the origins of the solar system, of people, of all creatures. In contrast the theory that allows Richard Dawkins to be an “intellectually fulfilled atheist” – Darwinian evolution – also makes claims – quite different claims. So the question is which explanation better fits the evidence? On the one hand, in a doctrine known as “common descent” Darwinian evolution claims that all creatures are descendents of a single ancestor. That means that all creatures are related and are part of what’s known as the evolutionary tree of life.

On the other hand the Bible claims that creatures were created by God, “according to their kind” (Gen 1.21, 24, 25, etc.). Continue Reading

Saturn’s Rings are Young!

Saturn as seen from the Cassini space craft
Above: Saturn as seen when space craft Cassini flew by. (2013)

Pick anyone living in the world today. What could you say you know about them? Well for one, you could say you know they weren’t alive at the time of Christ. How do you know that? Well we know Christ lived some 2000 years ago. We also know that humans do not live for 2000 years. And though life spans vary, most do not live much beyond 100 years. So if you come across a living person, you know that person was not alive to see Christ; for if they were alive during Christ’s time, they wouldn’t be alive now.

That is the scenario we have with the Rings of Saturn. Scientists have calculated the “life span” of the rings, and it is not at all in line with what they calculate the age of  either the solar system or Saturn. So if the rings are “alive” now, they must be relatively young; for if they were as old scientists say the rest of the solar system is – some 4.6 billion years – they would have long ago vanished. Continue Reading