Eve White in the movie The Three Faces of Eve suffers from what is popularly known as multi-personality disorder. As the title suggests, she manifests three distinct personalities. There is a theory of human origins called “Mitochondrial Eve” that is similarly expressed with three separate concepts. As is usual in the origins debate, what one believes about mitochondrial Eve is dependent on your worldview. So what is one to make of these three understandings of mitochondrial Eve? Follow along as we shed light on the proper understanding of mitochondrial Eve. Continue Reading
Science Without Observation Is Deception
As I’ve pointed out before atheist high priest Richard Dawkins has famously said,
“The Universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”
Given that I’ve often wondered why atheists care what I say or what I write about? If I’m wrong, it’s not evil (there is no evil) and doesn’t matter (there’s no meaning or purpose). (But if I’m right, as Pascal has pointed out in his wager, and they continue in their atheistic ways, when their time comes, there will be literal hell to pay. Isaiah 66.24)
But for some reason, though their worldview should tell them what I say doesn’t matter, they like to comment on what I say. Much of what they say are easily ignored ad hominem attacks that only prove they can’t address what I write about with reason or science. So they resort to attacking me instead of even attempting to address the points I make. But sometimes they make claims about science and faith that, as I’ve written about throughout this blog, are clearly and obviously wrong. And occasionally they’ll write something that is so obviously wrong it’s laugh-out-loud funny. Continue Reading
Y Chromosome Adam Confirms the Bible
On this Father’s Day I thought it would be appropriate to deal with a topic that highlights fathers, so for this article we’ll be looking at Y Chromosome Adam. (Sorry ladies, with the tragedy last month all eyes were focused there. But I’ll come back to a topic for moms either next article or next mother’s day).
Correcting the Record
“Y Chromosome Adam” actually originated as a concept out of secular genetics. According to the secularists:
“By analyzing DNA from people in all regions of the world, geneticist Spencer Wells has concluded that all humans alive today are descended from a single man who lived in Africa around 60,000 years ago.”[1]
With secularists believing that modern humans appeared some 200,000 years ago, the time estimate was pushed back to that earlier period by some as indicated in this Wikipedia article. The older age is consistent with typical evolutionary timelines such as this one which show modern man emerging about 200,000 years ago.
But a closer examination of the human Y chromosome leads to startling, even alarming, conclusions for secularists but expected conclusions for those who support the Bible. Specifically, study of the human (male) Y chromosome confirms these two facts: Continue Reading
Don’t get your Morality from an Atheist
Worldviews have consequences. Particularly regarding morality. If you understand the concept of a “worldview” that is obvious. For those unfamiliar with the term, here’s a definition by “Purpose Driven Life” author Rick Warren who did a study series on it with the late Chuck Colson called “Wide Angle – Framing Your Worldview.” The concept of worldview is critical to the point made both in the meme above and repeated in this article, so if you’re not familiar with it, please take a look at the link.
Two Points in the Meme
Take a look at the meme above, and note both the meme and particularly the tweet used to send it actually make two points.
The first point: There is nothing in the atheist worldview that says that murdering innocent children is wrong, or evil or should be avoided. In fact according to the atheist worldview there is no morality, so there is nothing that can be called “evil.” All actions are equally valid or equally moral. Continue Reading
Don’t get your Theology from an Atheist
There are a lot of falsehoods, misinformation and outright lies on the internet. But there is also truth on the internet so you must be careful to discern the truth from the falsehoods, the fact from the fiction. In this post I want to highlight a good rule of thumb to consider when people start discussing theology or Christianity or religion with you. Here’s the advice: Don’t get your theology from an atheist.
This should be obvious, but to clarify, there’s a saying that has been going around online, at least on Twitter, that imparts a valuable piece of wisdom: “Only a fool would allow his enemies to educate his children.” Continue Reading
Jesus – Seen or Perceived? Which are You?

Stop doubting and believe. (John 20.27)
A Resurrection Day Meditation
After Jesus rose from the dead, he didn’t appear to everyone. Who did he appear to? His apostles and some select disciples. I say “select” because I’m confident Jesus had more than the 500 + disciples that are mentioned in 1 Cor 15.6 that the apostle reports Jesus appeared to after his resurrection.
The obvious question, at least in my mind is, why didn’t Jesus appear to more people? If the resurrection is the most convincing proof of the Christian message – that Yeshua – Jesus of Nazareth – is the promised messiah, the Son of God and the promised divine “Son of Man” to whom all authority is given, (Dan 7.13-14) why didn’t he make it plain to everyone by appearing to more people? Continue Reading
April 14 is National Not Ashamed of Jesus Day!
April 14th has been declared “National Not Ashamed of Jesus day.” Dr Michael Brown has been promoting the day on a number of sites like The Stream as well as the site for the event: notashamedofjesus.org, so consider this a Public Service Announcement to help spread the word.
And since this is essentially a PSA, with the event info given in detail in the above articles I will simply give the basics about the event followed by scriptures that command or encourage the followers of Jesus to share the faith, not be and ashamed, and recall that we are called to be witnesses.
First the event itself: – April 14 was chosen based on Esther 4.14:
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”
I don’t think any Christian would doubt that this crumbling society needs the testimony of Jesus. A revival wouldn’t hurt either. But the goal is much more humble than revival: The goal is simply to use every God-honoring way you can think of to lift the name of Jesus before the people in your circle – people who you regularly come into contact with. Make sure they know you’re a believer in Jesus and, if you get the opportunity, share the gospel. Here’s the graphic of a few ideas shared on notashamedofjesus.org. Continue Reading
Yes Dennis, Yeshua is God
This is the first time I’ve written an article like this: with a specific person in mind to address a specific question. But I feel a nudging at my heart that I’m thinking is the prompting of the Holy Spirit to write this. Another first: Yeshua is the Jewish way to say Jesus, and when I’m not quoting someone, since this is directed to a Jewish audience, I’ll be using Yeshua.
My wife, a loyal listener to Jack Hibbs, wanted me to listen to a particular message: “Ask a Jew, Ask a Gentile with Dennis Prager and Jack Hibbs.”[1] I have great respect for both of these men. And I’m thankful for all the work Dennis has done with PragerU to “influence”, as he says, particularly young people toward a Judeo-Christian worldview.
During the interview Dennis was asked, “Dennis does, to my knowledge, does not believe that Jesus, fits the prophetic word from the Old Testament that Jesus is not who that Old Testament is painting as the messiah. My question to both of you, one is to Dennis – different question, same topic, is: Dennis why do you not believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of those prophecies that were painted?”
Dennis’ response:
“This may come to a surprise to you. The dividing line between Judaism and Christianity theologically is not with regard to whether Jesus was the messiah. It’s whether Jesus was God.”
…“The issue is the Trinity and Jesus being regarded as God or the son of God. That was the dividing line.”
In this he has nailed it precisely on the head, for this is what the New Testament records as the essence of the issue for the Jews of Yeshua’s day. Why did the first century Jews have Yeshua killed? Scripture is clear: Continue Reading
Question Evolution Day 2022 – The Cambrian Explosion

A Trilobite and Anomalocaris featured in the Chicago Field Museum’s exhibit on the Cambrian Explosion
Question Evolution Day 2022
Christians are called to make “the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ep 5.16) February 12, Darwin’s Birthday, has become a great opportunity to do that. Like Halloween has become an opportunity to give people gospel tracks when they come to your door asking you for stuff, the day some are celebrating Darwin and evolution is the perfect opportunity to offer them the red pill by suggesting they question evolution on Question Evolution Day. If they’ve never heard about it, point them to Cowboy Bob’s page here to show them it’s a real thing, then go on to present them questions and evidence that will help them to see just how wrong and meritless Darwin’s theory of evolution is. Here at Rational Faith, we’ve been doing that for the past few years since hearing of it.
So for this year’s Question Evolution Day informational giveaway we’ll take a brief look at one of the problems Darwinian evolution has with what’s known as the Cambrian explosion. There are a number, but to keep it somewhat brief, we’ll focus on just one of the numerous issues.
The Problem of the Cambrian Explosion
Paleontologist and celebrated evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould, co-author of the evolutionary theory of “Punctuated Equilibrium”, is quoted as saying: Continue Reading
Correcting “The Origins of Young Earth Creation” Video
Michael Jones of InspiringPhilosophy has put out a cleverly deceptive video ostensibly on, as the title puts it “The Origins of Young Earth Creationism.” In actuality, it’s a hit piece designed to undermine both young earth beliefs and Young Earth Creation (YEC) as a movement in general. Continue Reading